Chapter Eighty-Six: Christmas Baking

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Y/N woke up the next morning to what sounded like an argument.

She hurried out of her room and stood at the top of the staircase to see her mother and Scott standing in the entryway. Both of them seemed angry.

"I understand. But this is also my day too," said Scott. "I believe I should also have a say in things."

"Yes, but I'd rather not have her there," Y/N's mother said. "I know she's your family but she has issues with drinking. You told me yourself. I'm sorry but I don't think she should be at our wedding where everyone else will be having champagne."

Scott sighed. "I just— I have to go to work," he said as he ripped his coat off the rack. "We'll discuss this later, alright? I love you."

"I love you too," Y/N's mother replied quietly.

And with that, Scott left.

Y/N descended the stairs and touched her mother's shoulder.

"Good morning, Y/N/N," she said with a brief smile.

"Morning... Is everything okay?" Y/N asked, tilting her head.

"Yeah. Don't worry about it," her mother said as she gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "Oh, I almost forgot. I have to work but I need cookies to bring to Susan's Christmas party. So, I was hoping you could bake them. You can invite Rodrick over if you'd like. To help you. Just please, don't let him operate the oven."

Y/N chuckled softly. "I won't. Bye, Mom."

Her mother kissed her cheek before slipping on her jacket and stepping outside. "Bye. Love you."

"Love you too," Y/N said as her mother shut the door.

She pulled out her phone and texted Rodrick.

Y/N: Good morning :)
doofus<33: good morning <3
Y/N: I have a question
doofus<33: i'm hoping i have an answer
Y/N: Mom's gone to work and she needs me to bake cookies for your mom's Christmas party so I wanted to know if you'd come over and help me bake them
doofus<33: yeah ofc i will
Y/N: Thank you :)
doofus<33: anything for you :))
doofus<33: so when do i need to be there
Y/N: You can come over whenever. It won't take too long to bake them
doofus<33: ok i'll be over right away
Y/N: Okay. See you soon :)
doofus<33: :))

Y/N laid her phone on the couch and went up to her room to get ready for the day.

When she was finished getting ready, she skipped her way downstairs.

The moment she reached the bottom step, she heard a knock.

Y/N quickly opened the front door and beamed when she saw Rodrick standing in the doorway.

"Good morning," he said with a bright smile.

"Good morning," Y/N replied as she stepped aside, letting Rodrick in.

He kicked off his Converse which were soaked from the snow and turned to Y/N. "What cookies are we baking?" he asked.

"Gingerbread and..." Y/N racked her brain as she tried to remember what cookies her mother had said she wanted to bake. "I have no idea. Let's go look."

She grabbed Rodrick's hand and pulled him into the kitchen.

She pushed him against the counter before hurriedly walking over to the fridge. Rodrick watched as she grabbed a bunch of ingredients from the fridge and placed them on the countertop beside him.

"I remember now. We're making gingerbread and sugar cookies," Y/N said as she eyed all of the ingredients. "Which one should we make first?"

"Gingerbread," Rodrick replied with a nod.

&quot;hey nerd&quot; &quot;hey doofus&quot; -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now