Chapter Eighteen: Gift Shopping

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"So, you know the prize money?" Rodrick said as he and his band sat in his garage. They had just finished an intense "jam session".

It was the beginning of December and almost everyday, Rodrick was going to the record store he took Y/N to. He was keeping his eyes on the record player he saw when they went there. Thankfully, it was still on the shelf. He checked the price everyday as if worried it might go up. To his surprising luck, the price stayed the same. And if he used the prize money from the contest, he could get it for Y/N.

"From the contest?" Barry asked as he placed his bass into its case.

Rodrick nodded. "Yeah so there's this thing I wanna get Y/N for Christmas and I wanted to know if I could use the prize money."

Barry and Ben exchanged a glance before they smiled at Rodrick.

"Go ahead," Barry said.

"Really?" Rodrick felt his lips twitch into a smile.

"If it's going to make you and Y/N happy then I don't mind it one bit," Ben said.

"I'd probably use it on something stupid anyway so I don't really care how you spend it," Barry told him.

"Thanks you guys," Rodrick said.

"You know what I think," said Ben as he stood up. Barry and Rodrick looked up at him. "I think we should go shopping."
(Get in loser we're going shopping)


Rodrick wildly drove his van through the parking lot of the record store before slamming on the breaks in one of the spots. He was parked very poorly but what did it matter?

He and his bandmates hopped out of the van and walked up to the store, a chime of a bell rang through the shop as they entered.

Rodrick's eyes flew to the record player on one of the shelves. He ran up to it and looked at the price. It was 50% off. He practically squealed. "Look," he said to his friends. "It's a sign."

He carefully lifted it off the shelf and walked over to the register. He placed it on the counter before turning around. His eyes scanned all of the records before they landed on a record full of songs from HIM's album: Razorblade Romance. He smiled to himself knowing that was Y/N's favourite album. Perfect, he thought as he grabbed the vinyl and laid it on the counter next to the record player.

He paid the cashier and passed Ben the vinyl. "Drop it or scratch it and I'll kick your ass," he threatened as he picked up the record player. Barry held open the door for them and they all walked to the van. Barry opened Rodrick's door for him and he gently placed the boxed record player onto the front seat. Ben placed the vinyl on top of the box and Barry closed the door.

"Let's go to mall, I wanna get Lexi something," Ben said.

"I've gotta get my girlfriend something too," Barry said.

And with that they crossed the parking lot to the mall and went inside. It was super busy due to everyone's rushed Christmas shopping but they managed to go through all the stores they needed. Barry got his long distance girlfriend, who he was going to be spending Christmas with, a locket which he was going to put a picture of them in once they met over break. Ben got Lexi a chain with a guitar pick on it and got himself a matching one since they both played guitar. They also got some gifts for family members. Knowing that his dad was getting him weights, Rodrick purchased a new video game for Greg and hoped no one would make a big deal about it.

After their shopping spree, they went to Barry's and wrapped all their presents. Rodrick needed a lot of help wrapping his because he had no idea what he was doing.

An hour later, all their presents were wrapped. They hung out for a bit, playing video games and eating junk food. Then Rodrick went home, driving slowly so none of the presents got damaged, especially Y/N's.

When he got home, he hid the presents under his bed which was infested with dust, dirty clothes and random knick-knacks.

He then laid on his mattress, staring at his ceiling while pondering the question: was his present good enough for her?

He hoped it was. He knew she would like it since that's the type of person Y/N was. But he was worried it wouldn't be enough. Y/N was the greatest person he'd ever met and he wanted to show that to her with this gift. He wanted to show her that she meant everything to him. He wanted to show her that he liked her without having to actually tell her. Because telling her was terrifying. And Rodrick was a coward. He thought that if he could show her enough times than she'd finally catch on and tell him how she felt whether she shared his feelings or not. That would be better than telling her. Because at least she'd be the braver person and tell him. He sighed and buried his face in his hands. Why must things be so complicated?

Author's note: sooo i have a few ideas for the next few chapters. some of them involve snow balls fights, decorating a christmas tree and mistletoe. i know christmas has passed already but we're following the story line of the diary of a wimpy kid movies so yk. anyway, if you have any minor ideas you'd like to see in the next chapters that won't affect the plot too much let me know. i'd love to hear your ideas and give you credits for them ofc. anyway, good night/day. i appreciate you!!!

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now