Chapter Twelve: Teenage Dirtbag

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It was Halloween and Y/N was excited. She couldn't wait to see Rodrick preform. She was glad they started spending more time together after avoiding him for a few days. The only bad thing about hanging out with him was how awkward and dorky she was acting around him. She hated herself for it. But what made her happy is that Rodrick didn't seem to mind.
All throughout class, she wasn't able to focus. The only thing on her mind was what Löded Diper's performance would be like. Would they take the contest as a joke? Or would they actually show their real talent? She was hoping for the second option. No matter, she was glad that Rodrick would have fun doing something he loved.
When the bell rang at 3:00, Y/N gathered her bag and left class. She made her way to her locker and felt her heart flutter when she saw that Rodrick was leaning against her locker waiting for her. And when he smiled at her, she thought she would die on the spot. Thankfully, she kept her cool and walked over to him.
"Are you excited?" she asked. He nodded and stepped aside so she could get into her locker. She put in her combination and put away some of her books.
"So I was wondering," Rodrick began. "Since this thing is kinda important I should probably look my best, you know? So I wanted to know if you could help me get ready?"
Y/N glanced at him and smiled. "Of course." She closed her locker and put the lock back on. They made their way out of school and into Rodrick's van.
"Also, Mom is going to be a bit busy handing out candy and I don't know what my dad is doing but they'll both be busy so do you mind doing Greg and Manny's make up for their costumes?" Rodrick asked as they pulled out of the school parking lot.
"Oh, sure," Y/N said. She turned to Rodrick and opened her mouth to speak.
"Go ahead," he said.
Y/N furrowed her brows.
"You were going to ask if you could play music, weren't you?" asked Rodrick. He glanced at her worriedly. "You were going to ask me that.... right?"
"Yes," Y/N said with a laugh. "Please don't read my mind anymore." She turned on the bluetooth on her phone.
"Why? Are you hiding something from me, Y/N?" he asked.
Y/N felt her cheeks go red but she managed to keep calm. "Nope."
Before Rodrick could tease her some more, she played HIM and they listened to the songs in silence.
When they arrived at Rodrick's house, everything was a buzz. Mrs. Heffley was chasing Manny around who was only in a diaper. Greg was complaining about needing help with his costume. And in the middle of it all was Mr. Heffley who sat and watched the chaos.
"Oh, Y/N, thank goodness you're here," Mrs. Heffley said, stopping in the entryway. "Greg needs help with his pirate make up and Manny is being fussy. He says he won't wear his costume because Y/N/N isn't here. And trick or treaters have already starting coming by. Can you please help?"
(Y/N/N is your nick name btw)
"Don't worry, I'll help, Mrs. Heffley," Y/N said, trying to suppress her laughter. She went to take a step forward but a hand wrapped around her wrist. She turned around to see Rodrick, his hands around her wrist. Her heart fluttered when she met his eyes. He looked as flustered as she felt.
"I— um, you're still going to help me, right?" he asked.
"Of course," she replied. "Go upstairs and pick out some clothes and I'll come help you after I'm done, okay?" He nodded and reluctantly let go of her wrist. Then he made his way upstairs.
"Y/N/N! Y/N/N! Help me!" Manny called from the kitchen.
"I'm coming Manny!" Y/N shouted back, making her way into the kitchen.
Manny stood by the counter, costume in hand. He was also a pirate, just like Greg.
"Arghh!" Manny exclaimed in his best pirate accent. Y/N laughed and helped him put on his costume. After five minutes, Manny was ready. He wandered around the house, singing sea shanties.
"Y/N, can you help me with my make up now?" Greg asked. He sat at the table, eating some starburst, a palette of Halloween make up on the table beside him.
Y/N walked over to him, taking a seat beside him. "So, would you like to have a beard?" she asked.
Greg nodded. "I can give you some scratches too. And how about some fake dirt to make you look more like a pirate?" she asked as she began to take some black powder and smear it on Greg's chin.
"Yeah. And put some of that fake dirt on my nails. So I can look like the pirates from Pirates of the Caribbean," Greg said.
Y/N nodded and got to work.
"Y/N? Can I ask you something?" Greg questioned as Y/N spread makeup around his cheeks for the fake dirt effect.
"Yes, of course," she replied. "What's on your mind?"
"How did you fit in at middle school?" he asked. "And is high school harder than middle school?"
"Well, I didn't really care much to fit it," Y/N replied. "I focused on my school work and barely spoke. But when I got to high school, I met your brother and we became friends. And by not trying to fit it, I found myself in a great friendship."
"Do you think I can find a great friendship and fit in?" asked Greg.
"You already have a great friendship with Rowley," said Y/N.
"Yeah but I want to fit in. And I want him to fit in too. I want us to be in the yearbook as something cool. Like class clown or most talented," Greg said.
Y/N gave him a stern look. "Listen, Greg, finding a friend like Rowley is a very rare thing. And it's much more important than 'fitting in'."
She thought her words would mean something to him but he just shrugged.
"I guess," he mumbled.
Y/N pursed her lips and got up from her chair. "I'm going to go help your brother now, okay?" she said.
Greg nodded and ate some more starburst.
"Save those for the trick or treaters, Greg," she laughed, making her way out of the kitchen.
"You know I won't," he called.
She chuckled and made her way up the stairs and into the attic where Rodrick's room was located. There he stood by his bed, running his hands through his already tousled hair, staring at a jumble of clothes on top of his blankets.
"So what's this?" Y/N asked, gesturing towards the heap of clothes.
"Outfit ideas," Rodrick mumbled. "I don't know what to wear."
She reached to pick through his clothes but stopped herself. "Do you mind if I...?"
"Not at all," Rodrick replied. And with that, she went through his seemingly endless pile of band tees, tight jeans, leather belts and sweatshirts.
"Hmm," Y/N hummed as she analyzed his clothes. "How about this?" she asked, handing him a black t shirt and jeans along with a studded belt.
He took the outfit from her hands, fingers delicately brushing against her skin. She tried not to scream. He blushed and cleared his throat. "Do you maybe wanna... turn around?" he asked sheepishly.
"Oh right. Sorry." She spun on her heel and closed her eyes. I should leave the room. But he didn't tell me to leave. But maybe if I keep standing here, he might think I'm a creep. Shut up, Y/N!!
She wiped her mind clean off all her thoughts and tried her best to remain calm. From behind her, she heard the sound of a zipper being undone. She took a deep breath in and ignored every other little sound she heard.
"Okay. How does it look?"
She turned around and couldn't help but smile. He looked perfect. The shirt looked great on him. The pants were surprisingly clean considering they came from Rodrick's dresser. The belt was studded and very shiny. He looked amazing.
"It looks great, Rodrick," she replied.
"Rock star material?" he asked, grinning.
"Rock star material," she said with a nod.
"There's one thing I'd like to add," he said.
"And what's that?" Y/N asked.
He scratched the back of his neck as if struggling to find the words. "Could I borrow your eyeliner?" he asked finally.
Y/N smiled and nodded. "I'll go get it from my bag," she said, turning to leave. She made her way down the stairs and into the entryway where Mrs. Heffley was giving out treats to little kids. She grabbed her bag that was on the floor by the coat rack and watched as Mrs. Heffley closed the door.
"I wish I was still a kid on Halloween," she sighed. Y/N smiled pitifully at her. "Is he almost ready?"
"Almost," Y/N replied. "His outfit is picked out, he just wants me to do some finishing touches."
"That's great. Thank you, Y/N for coming over and helping him. It means a lot to him, you know that, right?" said Mrs. Heffley. Y/N nodded slowly. "Anyway, could you please video his performance for me? I'm so upset I won't be able to go see it."
"Of course I can," Y/N said.
"Thank you, you're such a dear, Y/N," said Mrs. Heffley.
Suddenly the door bell rang.
Y/N went up the stairs, bag in hand, and into Rodrick's room to see him siting on his made bed which was free of random clothes.
She sat beside him, trying not to freak out about the fact that their legs were touching. She placed her bag on her lap and dug through it until she found her eyeliner pencil. She handed it to him, their fingers touching for a brief moment. "Do you know how to put it on?" she asked.
He shook his head. "Not very well anyway."
"Would you like me to do it?" she asked.
"Please," he replied softly, handing the eyeliner back to her. She scooted closer to him, their faces inches apart and uncapped the eyeliner.
"Try to stay still, okay?" she told him as she brought the eyeliner towards his face. He did his best to do what she told him and forced himself not to flinch or twitch when the eyeliner got too close to his eye.
When they were done, Y/N put the lid back on the eyeliner and studied Rodrick's face. "It looks good on you," she said without thinking.
He laughed bashfully, his cheeks glowing pink. "Thanks," he said.
Their eyes met and it felt as though electricity was coursing through both of them. Their faces were so close and so were their bodies, they could practically hear the other person's heart beat. She didn't want to pull away from him. And neither did Rodrick. Her eyes drifted to his lips and she didn't feel the need to scold herself for doing so. This moment felt right. It had to happen. Perhaps if she got a little closer...
Rodrick pulled his phone out of his pocket and Y/N moved away from him.
"Ben's on the way to the jazz club," he said. "We should probably go too."
Y/N nodded and put her eyeliner into her bag. They made their way downstairs. As they walked past the entryway, Rodrick grabbed a handful of candy from the treat bowl and went into the kitchen. Y/N followed him. Rodrick threw the candy into the air and tried to catch it with his mouth. He was very unsuccessful. Y/N giggled at his antics.
He opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of juice and handed her one. It was Y/N's favourite.
"You're lucky," said a voice. Y/N and Rodrick turned to see Greg and Rowley standing by the table. Rowley was wearing an abundance of reflective things on his costume. "My mom doesn't let me play with make up anymore."
Rodrick and Y/N walked over to them. Rodrick set his drink on the table and said, "Shut up, tool. Löded Diper's got a gig tonight."
Suddenly, Rodrick leaned over the table and snatched a piece of paper from Greg. It was a map. "Going to the North Side, huh?" he asked. "Takes you right past Devil Worshiper Woods."
Y/N rolled her eyes. She knew where this was going.
"The Devil Worshiper Woods?" Greg asked.
"You know about the story, right?" Rodrick asked. Rowley and Greg shook their heads. Rodrick showed them the map and pointed to the woods by the North Side. "There used to be this house right where these woods are." He smirked at them, knowing his story had provoked interest and fear in them. "They had to tear it down because what happened there was so terrible."
"What happened there?" Rowley asked, voice slightly trembling.
"A long time ago, two kids who were, I don't know..." He placed the map on the table and propped his hands on the surface, leaning forward. "Maybe middle school. They trick or treated at that house on Halloween night. But the house was full of devil worshippers who put the kids in these giant pizza ovens. And they cooked them and ate them. But they forgot to turn the ovens off. So the house burnt down with everyone in it."
"How'd the trees get there?" Rowley asked.
"And then they planted trees," Rodrick said. Y/N fought back a laugh. "And to this day, on Halloween night, you can still hear the demonic laughter of the devil worshiper ghosts as they roam the woods, looking for more kids to sacrifice!" He made a sudden movement with his hands, dramatizing the word, causing both Greg and Rowley to jump. Y/N shook her head but let Rodrick have his fun.
"Hey, Rodrick."
Him and Y/N turned around to see Mr. Heffley enter the kitchen. "I need you to help me before you go. Like..." He stopped in his tracks and studied his son's face. "Are you wearing... eyeliner?"
Rodrick threw up his hands as to ask what the problem was. His dad stared back at him worriedly. "Susan!" he called.
"I'm on door duty," she shouted back.
As Mr. Heffley's back was turned, Rodrick grabbed Y/N's hand and pulled her out of the kitchen. They went into the garage and left the house that way. They walked down the driveway and hopped into Rodrick's van.
"Aren't you supposed to help your dad?" Y/N asked as she buckled her seat belt.
"Yes, that's why we're leaving," he replied, turning on his playlist.
They drove down the street, listening to Rodrick's shuffled music.
"I'm excited for you to hear the song we're playing," Rodrick shouted over the music.
"So am I," Y/N called back.
"There's a story behind it," Rodrick told her.
"Oh yeah? What's that?" Y/N asked.
"I'll tell you after you hear the song," Rodrick replied. "But I'm sure after you hear it, everything will just... click."
After a few minutes, they arrived at the jazz club. It was hard to find a spot considering how many people were parked outside of it.
"Whoa," Rodrick breathed when he shut off his van. "There's so many people."
"Are you nervous?" Y/N asked tentatively.
He shook his head and faced her. "I'm pumped," he replied.
She smiled at him, taking in his eager, thrilled expression. "You're so cute when you're excited," she said suddenly, the words spilling out of her mouth without any thought.
He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. "Thanks," he replied.
She reached for the door handle. "Well, I'm going to go find a good spot and look for my mom," she said. "See you later."
"See you later, Y/N."
She hopped out of his van and walked into the jazz club which was buzzing with activity. There were crowds spilling into the club and very long lines leading to a ticket booth. Y/N's eyes scoured the line until she saw her mom. She went over to her mother who was third in line.
"Oh, hi, Y/N," her mother said, scooting over so Y/N could stand beside her in the line. Her mother stroked Y/N's hair. "How's Rodrick feeling?"
Y/N leaned into her mother's touch and smiled. "He's so excited," she said, his grin engraved in her mind. "This is great for him."
"I hope he wins," her mother said.
"So do I," Y/N agreed. "He deserves it. So does the rest of the band."
The people in front of them disappeared behind a pair of doors and Y/N and her mother moved forward.
"Two tickets?" asked the man at the counter. His face lit up when he took in Y/N's mothers face. "Hey, Y/M/N. Fancy seeing you here."
"Hi, Scott," her mother giggled. "How much for the tickets?"
"Five dollars each," said Scott. "But I can give you a discount for looking so good, Y/M/N."
Y/N's mother cleared her throat and nodded towards Y/N. "I'll pay at full price. Thank you though, Scott." She handed him ten dollars and got two tickets in return. Then, she escorted Y/N towards two doors. They stepped inside to see several round tables, bars with drinks and appetizers and in the centre of it all was a large stage which was set up with a drum kit, expensive amps and microphones. They took a seat at a table that had two extra seats.
"So..." Y/N began. "Who was that?"
"Oh, that's just Scott," her mother replied.
"That doesn't answer my question, Mom. Who is he?" Y/N asked.
"He's a friend," her mother replied.
Y/N gave her mom a pointed look. "Really?"
"Oh don't give me that," Y/N's mother laughed. "You know how mad you'd be at me if I asked you that same question about Rodrick."
Y/N's cheeks went red and she was thankful the lighting in the jazz club was dark.
"That's different," she muttered.
"Yep, sureee," her mother replied.
"Excuse me." Y/N and her mother turned to see a girl her age and a woman with a pixie cut. "Could we sit here?" asked the woman.
"Go ahead," said Y/N's mother, gesturing to the two empty seats at their table. The girl and the woman sat down and introduced themselves.
"I'm Kendra and this is Lexi," said the woman.
Lexi had long blonde hair and big green eyes. She wore low rise jeans, a black tank top and an unbuttoned plaid flannel. Her eyes were lined with black liner and she looked a lot like Taylor Momsen.
"Hi, I'm Y/N," she greeted.
"You're in my Science class," said Lexi. "You're always by that Heffley kid."
"Yep. That's me," said Y/N awkwardly. "So, what brings you here?" She scolded herself for being so dry.
"My other mom has a gig tonight so me and my mom wanted to show her our support," Lexi explained.
"Is your mom in a band?" Y/N asked.
Lexi nodded. "An all female one too. They're called Hells Angels."
"Is this their first gig?" Y/N asked. "Or have they performed else where?"
"They've done a few small concerts, actually. They're pretty good and that isn't a biased statement either," said Lexi. "What're you here for?"
"Well, my friend is in a band," Y/N said.
"Does this friend happen to be the Heffley kid?" Lexi asked. Y/N nodded. "Does he actually make good music? Because I think I heard people saying his band sucks."
"The first time I heard them play, they were a bit... off-putting. But after a while, they got better," said Y/N.
"Cool, cool. So uh... do you play? In a band or anything?" asked Lexi.
"I took piano lessons once," said Y/N. Y/N instantly regretted saying that. "Sorry. No. I don't play anything. Do you?"
"I can play guitar but not very well. Vocals are more of my thing," said Lexi.
Y/N was about to reply when suddenly, the lights went out. A single spotlight was pointing at the stage, where a bald man stood holding a microphone. "Good evening, everyone," said the man. "Thank you for being here tonight and supporting the members of our town. There is going to be a lot of talent on this stage. After I leave of course." Low chuckles echoed through the club. "Anyway, let me introduce you to the first performance of the night. Everyone, meet My Chemical Hatred!" The man left the stage while the members of a band got ready to perform.
"My Chemical Hatred?" Lexi scoffed. "That's original."
"Be nice, Lexi," Kendra warned.
"Sorry, Mom." Lexi turned to Y/N and said, "I wonder if they'll play a song called I'm Great (I Don't Promise)."
Y/N laughed.
And as if Lexi read their minds, the band played a cheap copy of the famous My Chemical Romance song I'm Not Okay (I Promise).
When the band was finished, the room erupted into reluctant applause.
"Thank god it's over," Lexi whispered to Y/N. "I don't think they were even trying."
"Probably not," Y/N replied.
After twenty minutes, more bands went up on the stage. Most were cheap knock offs but some were very good.
The bald man went up on the stage with his microphone. "This next band is one of the greatest I've seen. They've done some concerts in the past and let me tell you how impressed I was. They are definitely going places. Ladies and gentlemen, Hells Angels!"
Lexi and Kendra burst into applause and cheers. Y/N and her mother clapped along with the same enthusiasm.
As the drummer, bassist and other guitar player set up, the lead guitarist spoke into the microphone, "This song is a metal cover of the amazing band Fleetwood Mac. It's already been covered by Three Days Grace but this our version. Everyone ready?"
The club cheered and the guitarist smiled. "Okay." She nodded at her band.
"That's my mom," Lexi squealed, taking out her phone and recording her mom and her band.
"That's my wife," Kendra said, videoing the performance.
Lexi's mom played a few chords on her guitar before stepping closer to the microphone. "Listen to the wind blow, watch the sun rise," she sang in a raspy voice. "Running in the shadows, damn your love, damn lies."
Suddenly, all the band members played their instruments at a heavy, loud pace. "And if you don't love me now." Now, all of the band members were singing. Their voices blending to form a perfect bewitching harmony. "You will never love me again." Lexi's mom's voice was the loudest and raspiest out of the band. "I can still hear you saying you would never break the chain."
"Never break the chain," The back-up guitarist echoed.
"And if you don't love me now," sang Lexi's mom.
"You don't love me now," the back-up guitarist vocalized.
"You will never love me again," Lexi's mom bellowed, her raspy voice raising. "Oh, I can still hear you saying."
"Still hear you saying," whispered the back-up guitarist.
"You would never break the chain!" Lexi's mom sang.
"Never break the chain!" the rest of the band members echoed.
The instruments got slow once again, their pace gentle.
"Listen to the wind blow. Down comes the night," sang Lexi's mom. "Run in the shadows. Damn your love, damn your lies."
Just like before, the band member's playing for loud and heavy.
"And if you don't love me now, you will never love me again!" Lexi's mom sang. "Oh I can still hear you saying, you would never break the chain!"
"Never break the chain!" the back-up guitarist echoed.
Lexi's mom faced her fellow guitarist, the both of them began singing in unison, "You would never break the chain! Never break the chain! And if you don't love me now! You will never love me again! I can still hear you saying you would never break the chain! Never break the chain!"
Everyone stopped —the drummer, Lexi's mom and the other guitarist were silent and the bassist stepped forward, the spotlight shining on her. She played a few soft notes before quickening her pace, creating the best bass solo Y/N had ever heard. Then, the drummer began playing. Then Lexi's mom joined in and so did the other guitar player.
"Chain," sang Lexi's mom.
"Keep us together," the rest of the band harmonized.
"Chain," Lexi's mother said once more.
"Keep us together!"
"Oh, running in the shadows."
They slowed down their playing and then stopped, eyes wandering around the crowd.
The whole room bursted into applause and whistles. Kendra and Lexi got up and clapped the loudest.
Lexi's mom and the band took their bows and they left the stage.
"They were amazing," Y/N said. "Are they planning on putting anything on streaming platforms?"
"No, actually," said Kendra. "But that's a great idea. I think I'll mention it to her and the band."
"Wow," said the bald man who appeared back on the stage. "I am still shocked. I mean, I have goosebumps. That band never fails to surprise me. They're going places. Anyway, this next band is probably our youngest band. They're from Plainview High and they're ready to rock! Ladies and gentlemen, Löded Diper!"
"Löded Diper?" Lexi scoffed. "That's an attractive name."
Y/N scratched the back of her neck. "Heh... yeah."
"Oh my god... is that Heffley's band?" Lexi asked, her back on Y/N.
Y/N's eyes drifted to the stage where Ben and Barry slung their instrument over their chests. She furrowed her brows. Where's Rodrick?
As if on cue, he came onto the stage and sat behind the drum kit. His eyes wandered around the crowd until they landed on her. She felt her heart skip a beat. He smiled at her.
"One, two, three," Ben whispered. Then, the song started. He strummed his guitar. Barry played some notes on his bass and Rodrick played a steady beat on his drums.
"That guitar player is kinda hot," said Lexi. Y/N giggled and shook her head.
"Her name is Noel," Ben sang. "I have dream about her."
Lexi gasped. "And he's good at singing!" she exclaimed.
"She rings my bell. I've got gym class in half an hour. Oh, how she rocks in Keds and tube socks. But she doesn't know who I am. And she doesn't give a damn about me."
Rodrick, Ben and Barry all picked up the pace, making the song heavier and louder.
"Because I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby! Yeah, I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby! Listen to Iron Maiden, baby, with me! Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!"
Their playing got more relaxed as they went back to the same pace as before.
"And her boyfriend's a dick. And he brings a gun to school and he simply kick my ass if he knew the truth. He lives on my block and he drives an IROC. But he doesn't know who I am. And he doesn't give a damn about me."
Once again, their instruments grew heavy. "Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby! Yeah, I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby! Listen to Iron Maiden, baby, with me! Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!"
Both Barry and Rodrick joined in. "Oh yeah, dirtbag!"
Rodrick made direct eye contact with Y/N as he and his band sang the next lyrics, "No, she doesn't know what she's missing."
Y/N felt her cheeks burn.
"Oh yeah, dirtbag! No, she doesn't know what she's missing."
The song got slow once again.
"Man, I feel like mold," Ben sang. "It's prom night and I am lonely. Lo and behold." Ben turned to Barry who stepped closer to him. "She's walking over to me this must be fake. My lip starts to shake." He turned to the audience and asked dramatically, "How does she know who I am? And why does she give a damn about—"
Suddenly Barry started to sing a high-pitched, girly voice, "I've got two tickets to Iron Maiden, baby."
The crowd let out laughs.
"Come with me Friday don't say maybe," Barry continued, trying his best to hold in his laughter. "I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby, like you. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh."
The song got heavy again. "Oh yeah, dirtbag! No she doesn't know what she's missing! Oh yeah, dirtbag! No she doesn't know what she's missing, ah, oh-whoa." Ben strummed his guitar a few more times and then the song ended.
Ben and Barry took a bow and Rodrick dropped his drum sticks, letting out a deep breath.
Y/N leapt to her feet and clapped her hands, everyone else in the room following her movements. Rodrick's eyes met hers and he smiled brightly.
Ben and Barry led Rodrick off the stage and let the bald man take their place. "I am blown away. Plainview has some amazing talent. And they're only so young! This is crazy. What's even crazier is that that was an original song! My mind is blown! Anyway, that was our last performance of the night which means that the judges are going to decide who wins the contest and brings home a hundred and fifty dollars!" The audience clapped. "Now, as the judges are busy deciding, I'm going to ask that all the bands come forward." Every band went up on the stage, My Chemical Hatred, Hells Angels, Löded Diper and more.
The bald man received an envelope and opened it. "So the judges knew the winner of this prize the moment they started playing. And the band who won best cover is.... Hells Angels!"
Lexi and Kendra screamed with glee.
"And now, the band who wins the prize for best original song is...... Löded Diper!!"
Y/N smiled as Rodrick clasped a hand to his mouth. She watched him proudly as he and his band mates jumped up and down.
"Great job to both those bands. And thank you to those who participated and those who came to watch. Good night, everyone and happy Halloween!!"
Y/N got up from the table and raced towards the stage. She ran past the bald man who laughed and said into the microphone, "Looks like we have a proud girlfriend, eager to congratulate her boyfriend." The audience of the club laughed and Y/N ignored them. She went back stage where all the bands were, some moping around while others were celebrating.
When her eyes landed on Rodrick, she raced over to him and wrapped her arms around him. He hugged her back. "You were amazing," she said. She pulled away from him and looked at Ben and Barry. "Good job, guys. You were so good!"
They told her thanks and began talking amongst themselves.
Y/N pulled Rodrick into another hug and congratulated him once more.
They turned to see Y/N's mom, Lexi, Kendra and Lexi's other mom walking over.
"Rodrick, you were great," said Y/N's mom.
"Thanks, Mrs. L/N," he smiled.
"She's right, kid," said Lexi's other mother. "I thought me and Hells Angels would lose to you. I didn't know there were two categories."
"Really? I thought we were going to lose to you guys. Or girls I should say," said Rodrick. "You were amazing, by the way."
"Thanks, kid," Lexi's mom replied. "That original song was great. Who wrote it?"
"I did," said Rodrick.
"You were able to capture the longing and love all of us "teenage dirtbags" have felt and to me, that is incredible. Keep writing songs like that, kid," said Lexi's mom as she and Kendra walked towards the other members of Hells Angels.
"Y/N, I'm going to drive home now, okay? Are you staying with Rodrick?" her mother asked.
Y/N looked to him before answering. He leaned towards her. "I know we're old and all but I'm in a trick or treating type of mood," he whispered.
Y/N nodded. "I'll stay with Rodrick for a bit," said Y/N.
"Okay, curfew is at 1. If you're going to be a bit late coming home let me know," she said.
Y/N nodded and watched as her mother walked away. She turned to Rodrick and smiled.
"So, are you ready to go?" asked Y/N. He nodded and, taking her hand, led her towards Ben, Barry and Lexi.
"Hey, guys, I'm in a trick or treating mood," said Rodrick. "Wanna TP some houses?"
"Hell yeah," said Barry.
"Can Lexi come?" Ben asked.
"Sure," Rodrick replied. "If she's up for getting matching costumes."
"Where are we getting matching costumes? It's literally last minute," Lexi scoffed.
"I know a place," said Rodrick with a smile.

Author's note: this was so long lol. also sorry for not being the best at describing the bands playing songs because i am terrible at it. but i think if you listen to those songs (Chain by Fleetwood Mac or Three Days Grace and Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus) and read it, it'll be easier to be immersed in the description. anyway, i hope you guys like lexi because she's going to be in some more chapters as y/n's girl best friend. that's all, have a good day/night!!! i appreciate you!

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now