Chapter Seventy: Scardey Cat

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"Come on, it'll be fun!" Y/N heard Lexi say to Ben and Barry. Her and Rodrick had just made it to the main locker area after their last class of the day. They walked over to their friends who stood by Lexi's locker.

"I don't know, Lex," Ben said as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Don't be such a baby," Lexi told him, lightly shoving him.

"What's going on?" Rodrick asked, looking between all his friends.

"I want us to check out this old house in the woods near Ben's house," Lexi said before turning back to Ben. "Please. You're not grounded anymore. We have to do something fun!"

Ben sighed and looked at Rodrick. "What do you think of this?" he asked.

Rodrick shrugged. "It could be fun," he mumbled.

"See, even Rodrick wants to do it," Lexi said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Rodrick asked, furrowing his brows.

"Come on. We'll just look around," Lexi told Ben. She took both his hands, causing him to smile.

"Okay. Fine. Barry, are you coming?" Ben asked before adding, in a quiet voice, "Please say you are. Please say you are."

"Yeah," said Barry. "I'm coming. When do you want me to come over?"

"I'd say you should start sneaking out at like, 7:30," Ben replied. Barry nodded. "You guys can come over whenever," Ben told Rodrick and Y/N.

"We'll come over after dinner," Rodrick replied, before taking Y/N's hand and leading her over to her locker. Since her hands were full of books, worksheets and notes, Rodrick put in her locker combination for her. It took a few tries but once he got it, he opened the door for her.

Once she had all her stuff put away, she grabbed her backpack and shut her locker door. "See you later!" Rodrick called out to their friends. They waved to him and Y/N.

Together, Y/N and Rodrick left school and they hopped into his van.

They listened to the CD that Y/N had made Rodrick as he drove them to her house.

Once they got out of his van, they realized Y/N's mom's car was gone.

"Huh," said Y/N. "She's supposed to be home already." She shrugged it off before taking Rodrick's hand and leading him inside.

Lee greeted them at the door with a few high-pitched barks.

Rodrick bent down and picked up the little dog who melted in his arms. He smiled and kissed the top of Lee's head.

The moment Y/N started to walk into the living room, her phone vibrated in her pocket. She sat down on the couch and Rodrick sat beside her, Lee in his arms. She took out her phone and put in her password.

Mama🫶: Hey Y/N/N
Mama🫶: I'm working late tonight
Mama🫶: You can order some take-out for dinner
Mama🫶: There's money on the counter for you
Mama🫶: Also if you have Rodrick over make sure he gets something to eat
Mama🫶: He can stay for as long as he wants as long as his parents let him
Mama🫶: That's all. I've gotta go back to work now. Love you Y/N💞
Y/N: Love you too, Mom🫶

Y/N shut off her phone and turned to Rodrick. "So what would you like for dinner?" she asked him.

"Pizza?" Rodrick said with a small smile. Y/N laughed softly and ruffled his hair.

"Yes, we can have pizza," she said.

"Could we have it now?" Rodrick asked. "Please?"

Y/N nodded and dialled the number of a nearby pizza place. She ordered them a pizza to share along with garlic sticks that Rodrick said he really wanted.

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now