Chapter Eighty-Eight: Ice Skating

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Christmas Eve came by quicker than Y/N had anticipated. And although she had woken up moments ago, her mother was already giving her a in-depth plan for the day.

Y/N sat at the table in the kitchen, too busy trying to keep her eyes open as her mother blabbed on and on.

"Y/N, are you listening to me?" her mother asked.

"To be honest, no," said Y/N as she rubbed her eyes. "Sorry. I'm tired."

"It's okay. I was just saying that there's a little thing going on at the skating rink and Susan invited us to go with her and the rest of the Heffley's," her mother said. "I also invited Lexi and her moms."

Y/N nodded as a sudden grin crept onto her lips. She tried her best to stifle a laugh as she pictured Rodrick trying to skate without toppling over.

"You okay, Y/N?" her mother asked, capturing her attention.

Y/N nodded. "Yeah, it's nothing. Anyway, that sounds like a good plan."

Her mother gave her a smile. "We'll be going out for lunch with the Heffley's today before we go skating," she told her. "So I would start getting ready now."

Y/N nodded and got up from the table. Her mother gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder as she walked out of the kitchen and into the living room where Scott sat on the couch with Lee.

"Morning, kiddo," he said with a smile. Y/N smiled back at him before walking up the stairs into her room.

When she was done getting ready for the day, Y/N hurried downstairs to see her mother and Scott standing in the entryway.

"Ready to go?" her mother asked with a smile.

Y/N nodded and followed them out into Scott's truck. Once everyone had fastened their seatbelts, Scott backed out of the driveway and began to drive down the street.

Y/N looked out the window and stared at all of the houses that they passed.

As she continued to glance out the window, her mother peered over her shoulder at her and gave her a smile. "Look," she said as she pointed out the rear window of the truck.

Y/N furrowed her brows and looked behind her. A smile instantly formed on her face when she saw the Heffley's car on the road behind them.

Mr. and Mrs. Heffley smiled and waved at her in the front seats. Y/N waved backed and watched as Mrs. Heffley —who was in the passenger seat— turned around to look into the back seat.

When Mrs. Heffley faced forward, two faces poked out from the back seat to look at Y/N. One was Greg and the other was Rodrick.

Rodrick waved excitedly at her which caused her to let out a soft laugh.

She narrowed her eyes when she saw him mouth something. She tried her best to pick out what he said but all she managed to make out were the words 'I love you'. Her smile grew when Rodrick held up his two hands and made them into the shape of a heart.

She made a heart back and saw Mrs. Heffley clutch a hand to her chest before saying something to Rodrick which most likely caused him to be embarrassed because he leaned back in his seat and folded his arms.

Y/N laughed and faced forward in her seat.

Minutes later, they arrived at the restaurant where they were all having lunch. When Scott parked the truck, Y/N hopped out and raced over to the Heffleys. Her mother and Scott followed closely behind her.

Greg climbed out of the back seat and ran over to Y/N. "Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" he exclaimed. "Guess what!"

"What?" Y/N asked with an excited grin.

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now