Chapter Nintey-Six: Heart-Shaped Box

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It was Valentine's Day. Rodrick's least favourite day of the year. He despised it. And all the couples in the hallway made him want to barf.

"Ew," he grumbled as he, Ben and Barry strolled past two couples aggressively making out. "So gross."

"Why do you still hate Valentine's Day?" Ben asked. "Y/N is yours now, you don't have to be jealous of everyone else."

"Y/N isn't 'mine'. She's her own person," said Rodrick as he rolled his eyes. "And I am not jealous. I never have been."

"I sense some jealousy," Ben said. "Don't you, Barry?"

"Oh, definitely," Barry agreed.

"What are you getting on with? I have no reason to be jealous," said Rodrick. "This holiday is stupid and just a waste of time."

"Valentine's Day is the best!" Ben exclaimed. "It's the only day Lexi is sweet to me in public. She's taking us to an abandoned school and we're going to look around for little trinkets we can keep."

Barry sighed. "Lucky," he mumbled.

"What are you and Y/N doing?" Ben asked.

"Nothing," Rodrick replied.

Ben furrowed his brows. "You don't have anything planned?" he asked.

"Nope," Rodrick said.

Ben's eyes widened. "What?" he exclaimed. "Not even a movie night?" Rodrick shook his head. "Well, did you get her chocolates?"

Rodrick shook his head once more. "I didn't get her anything because it's just another day," he told him. "We get each other stuff all the time. Besides, it's not like she got me anything. It's no big deal."

"No big deal?" Ben asked incredulously. "Rodrick, you are so unbelievably stupid."

"Thanks?" Rodrick furrowed his brows.

"There you are!" The three boys turned around to see Lexi and Y/N walking towards them. "Ben, I was looking everywhere for you!"

"Hello, Lex, my love," Ben said with a smile as he took her hand in his and brushed his lips against her knuckles.

From the corner of Rodrick's eye, he saw a muscle in Barry's jaw twitch.

He furrowed his brows and tilted his head to the side.

Barry's eyes darted in his direction and his face went pink. He scratched the back of his neck and glanced around awkwardly.

Rodrick stared at him for a few moments more before turning to face Y/N and Lexi.

"Here you go, Ben," she said as she handed him a red gift bag.

"Thank you," Ben smiled. "Your present is waiting for you in the special spot we're going to tonight."

Lexi smiled and kissed Ben's cheek before taking his hand in hers.

Y/N walked over to Rodrick and held out her hands. He looked down to see a red box in the shape of a heart in her hand. "It's nothing much, just little things. But I thought it was pretty cool. It reminded me of the one Nirvana song," she said as she passed the box to him.

He hesitantly accepted it. "You... you got me something?" he asked.

She nodded. "I know you don't like Valentine's Day which is why I didn't get you anything big but I just had to get you something because I knew I would feel bad if I didn't."

"Oh. Thank you, Y/N," he mumbled, looking down at the box.

"You can open it if you'd like," she said with a smile.

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now