Chapter Fifty-Eight: Music Room

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"Mom, I am so so so sorry," Y/N said as she took a seat on the couch next to her mother. "I just— well, you see... Rodrick and I—"

"Rodrick and you were what?" she asked, raising a brow.

"We were watching a movie and then we fell asleep," Y/N said. "I should've texted you but I didn't think you would be awake."

Her mom nodded slowly.

"I'm sorry," Y/N mumbled as she nervously fiddled with the hem of her shirt. "I know you're mad—"

"I'm not mad, Y/N," her mom interjected. "I was just worried. And yes, a text would've been nice even if I was asleep. I am not mad or disappointed or anything. You didn't do anything wrong. If anything, I should've also sent you a text to make sure you were okay. That's all I care about. Not the fact that you fell asleep or the fact that you tried to sneak in. I care about your safety."

Y/N nodded. "I'm sorry again for—"

"It's okay, let's put that behind us," her mom said as she stroked Y/N's hair. "So how was costume shopping?"

"Good. We're being Jack and Sally," Y/N told her.

"Aww, that's sweet," said her mother. She kissed Y/N's forehead. "I think it's time for bed."

Y/N nodded and got up from the couch. She went into her room and changed into her pyjamas. Then she plopped down on her bed and went on her phone. Rodrick had been spamming her.

doofus<33 : y/n
doofus<33 : hellooo
doofus<33 : pls tell me your not grounded
doofus<33 : y/nnnn hellooo
doofus<33 : did i get you in trouble
doofus<33 : i'm sorry if i did
doofus<33 : are you mad at me
doofus<33 : or was your phone taken away
doofus<33 : in that case hi mrs l/n
doofus<33 : pls don't be mad at y/n it wasn't her fault
Y/N: My mom isn't mad. Everything is okay
doofus<33 : good
doofus<33 : do you want to play a quick round of cup pong or are you two tired

She thought about correcting his mistake but smiled and decided not to.

Y/N: Yes, of course
doofus<33 : i'm going to kick your ass
doofus<33 : this fame is mine
doofus<33 : game*
doofus<33 : shit lol

They played a quick round of cup pong and Y/N won.

doofus<33 : i let you win
Y/N: Yeah sure
doofus<33 : i was being nice
Y/N: Well, then, thank you for being nice during every round of cup pong that we play
doofus<33 : wow y/n
doofus<33 : just wow
doofus<33 : that's it i'm going to bed
Y/N: Okayyy, goodnight, my sore loser<3
doofus<33 : not sure how i feel about that nickname
doofus<33 : but goodnight y/n
doofus<33 : i love you
Y/N: I love you too<3
doofus<33 : <33

She smiled and turned off her phone before falling asleep.

————Time Skip to Monday————

Y/N sat in her English class, doing an assignment. Then, her phone vibrated in her pocket. She pulled it out to see Rodrick had messaged her.

doofus<33 : i won't be in the cafeteria for lunch by the way
doofus<33 : i'll be in the music room
doofus<33 : you can come with me if you want
Y/N: I'd love to
doofus<33 : okay i'll wait for you by your locker

Y/N put her phone away and started to pack up her things. There was only three minutes left of class.

When she had gathered all her stuff, she stood up from her desk, her fellow classmates following her movements.

&quot;hey nerd&quot; &quot;hey doofus&quot; -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now