Chapter Fourty-Four: Party At My Place

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Rodrick's mom was still very upset about what happened at church. She was so mad that she wasn't allowing him and Greg to go with them on their trip to Rockin' Rapids. Which was okay because Rodrick had other plans.

"Well, you have brought it upon yourselves," their mom said in the doorway, suitcases standing around her. Rodrick and Greg stood in the entryway, looks of regret on their faces. "You can kiss Rockin' Rapids goodbye! You two will stay here together all weekend and work out your differences. And if you don't, I will. And trust me, you don't want any part of that. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Rodrick mumbled with a nod.

Their mom sighed and turned on her heel. "Alright, let's go," she said to their dad as she walked down the steps of the front porch, Manny in her arms.

Their dad faced them. "Y/N's coming over to watch you. Both of you. So don't have anybody else over this weekend. Got it?"

Rodrick gulped and nodded slowly.

Then their dad left, carrying the luggage.

When the door closed, Rodrick smiled before dashing into the living room and leaping onto the couch. He pulled out his phone and texted the group chat he shared with Ben and Barry.

Rodrick: party at my place
Rodrick: spread the word

Greg leaned over the couch and read Rodrick's message. "But Dad said Y/N is coming over to watch us and that you shouldn't have anybody over!" he exclaimed.

Rodrick looked up at his brother and smiled. "So? Y/N can keep a secret."

Five minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Rodrick got up from the couch and opened it. It was Y/N. "Hey," he said.

"Hi," she mumbled. He stepped aside and she walked inside the house.

"Hi, Y/N!" Greg said, running over to her.

"Hey, Greg," Y/N replied with a smile. She ruffled his hair and he laughed. "So I heard you got in trouble."

"Yeah," Greg sighed. He walked over to the couch and sat down. Y/N followed him and took a seat next to him. "It's all Rodrick's fault though."

"What?" Rodrick asked, sitting on his dad's recliner. "No, it's not. You're the one who made it look like you licked shit off your finger."

"Lets not blame each other," Y/N told them gently. She turned to Greg. "Is there anything you need to do? Homework, chores? Or maybe you could do something special for your mom. I'm sure she'd be happy about that."

"I think I've got some homework I need to finish," Greg told her. "I'll go do that."

Y/N nodded and he went upstairs. She turned to Rodrick. "How about you?" she asked.

"Nope. Just going to relax," he said. She nodded and went onto her phone. As she scrolled through TikTok, she got a notification from Lexi.

Lexi🫶: are you going to the party?
Y/N: What party?
Lexi🫶: at Rodrick's
Lexi🫶: Ben is making me go but I want you to be there
Y/N: Rodrick is having a party?
Lexi🫶: you didn't know?
Y/N: No
Lexi🫶: apparently our whole grade is going and some kids from grade twelve
Y/N: You're shitting me
Lexi🫶: What's wrong?
Y/N: Hold on a minute

She turned to Rodrick who was lying back on his dad's recliner. She narrowed her eyes at him and he looked at her with a confused but nervous expression. "Hi," he said.

"So you're having a party?" she asked. Rodrick's eyes went wide.

"Um... no?" he said. "I don't know what you're—"

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now