Chapter Thirty-One: "I'm Sorry, Women."

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Y/N sat in Rodrick's garage as he, Ben and Barry practiced some of their songs. She watched Rodrick with a smile. It was nice seeing him happy doing something he loved.

As practice continued, Mrs. Heffley bursted into the garage with what looked like a rolled up magazine in her hand. She looked angry. No. Furious. Y/N glanced nervously at Rodrick.

"Rodrick," she said. Due to the volume of the music, her voice went unheard by the band. Y/N looked to Mrs. Heffley and to Rodrick, shifting uncomfortably in the bean bag chair she sat on. "Rodrick!"

The band stopped and Rodrick looked at his mom. "I need to talk to you. Inside. Now," his mom demanded.

Rodrick got up from his stool and walked over to his mom. "Go ahead and talk. We're a band. We have no secrets," he said.

Greg poked his head through the doorway and watched the scene unfold with a mischievous grin.

"Oh, okay, fine," said Mrs. Heffley. She unfurled the magazine, revealing the front cover to be a half naked woman sitting on a motorcycle. "What is this?"

Y/N's eyes widened and she held a hand to her mouth, containing her laughter.

Rodrick pointed at the magazine with his drumstick. "It's not mine," he said.

"It was in your backpack," his mom told him.

Rodrick scoffed. "No, it was in my room."

Y/N felt like smacking her hand against her forehead. Sometimes he forgot to use his brain.

Mrs. Heffley pursed her lips and Rodrick closed his eyes, knowing he had told on himself. "Oh," he muttered.

"Does owning this magazine make you a better person?" Mrs. Heffley asked.

Rodrick shook his head. "No," he replied quietly.

"Did it make you more popular at school?" she asked.

Rodrick laughed and looked to Ben and Barry who were snickering. "Yes," he replied. He looked at Y/N and looked at his mom. They scarily shared the same disappointed look. He shook his head. "No."

Mrs. Heffley stepped forward. "How do you feel about having owned this type of magazine?"

Rodrick looked at the ceiling as if racking his brain. Then he smiled as if he had just gotten the brightest idea ever. "Ashamed," he replied, smiling.

"Nice," Ben said.

"Mmm," his mom hummed. She stepped closer to him, her eyes glaring daggers at him. She held the magazine up to his face. "Do you have anything you want to say to women for having owned this offensive magazine? How do you think Y/N feels about this? I'm sure she feels very violated right now."

Rodrick swallowed the lump in his throat and looked down nervously before glancing at Y/N. "I'm sorry, women," he said. "I'm sorry, Y/N."

Ben and Barry broke out into applause.

"Yeah, women!" Ben exclaimed.

Mrs. Heffley gave the boys a stern look and they instantly went silent. She faced Rodrick. "You're grounded for two weeks," she told him. She turned to leave.

"Okay, settle down, Susan. I think one week is plenty," Rodrick said. Y/N sighed and began making a mental list of some flowers to put on Rodrick's grave.

Mrs. Heffley turned to face him. "Make it four weeks and I'm going to need the keys to your van."

"My van?" Rodrick asked. "But how am I going to bring Y/N here to tutor me?"

Don't bring me into this, Y/N silently begged.

"The school year is pretty much over, you don't need her to tutor you anymore," Mrs. Heffley said. "Also, no more band practices during those four weeks and you and Y/N will not be permitted to hang out with each other outside of school. Understand?"

Rodrick sadly nodded.

"Good, now I suggest you all leave," Mrs. Heffley said before leaving the garage.

Ben and Barry packed up their instruments.

"Dude, your mom's a psycho," Barry said.

"Shh!" Rodrick hissed. "She might hear you."

"Calm down, Rodrick," Ben told him. "She left. It's fine."

Rodrick shook his head and glanced around nervously. "She could be in the walls."

Ben and Barry exchanged a glance. "Okay, we're going to go..."

And with that, they left the garage.

Rodrick sulked his way over to Y/N and sat beside her on the bean bag chair. "Sorry for offending you," he mumbled.

Y/N patted his shoulder. "You're a teenage boy, Rodrick. I don't expect anything different."

He sighed and held his chin in his hands. "I won't be able to hang out with you for four weeks."

"You going to miss me or something?" Y/N teased.

He nodded. "Yeah."

Y/N blinked. She was shocked. She didn't expect to hear that response sound so genuine. She cleared her throat. "Hey, at least we'll get to hang out during summer break," she said with a shrug. "I'll wait four weeks to spend all of summer with you."

He smiled at her and she smiled back.

Suddenly, Mrs. Heffley came into the garage and said, "I'll drive Y/N home."

She reluctantly got up and ruffled Rodrick's soft hair. "Goodbye, Rodrick."

He sighed. "Goodbye, Y/N."

Author's note: i apologize that this was a very short one. anyway, the next few chapters will be about y/n, rodrick, ben, lexi and barry's last few weeks of tenth grade so that'll include the end of year dance👀 the dance has been something i've been wanting to write forever and i can't wait to actually write it!! anyway, that's all for now. i hope you have a splendid night/day. reminder that i appreciate you🫶

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