Chapter 44 : turbulent waters

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As I stood outside the room, a whirlwind of activity ensued within. Several nurses and medical personnel hurriedly converged around Mew's bedside, their urgent whispers barely audible over the din of beeping monitors. My heart sank as I watched the scene unfold, a sense of helplessness washing over me.

A moment later, a doctor appeared, his expression grave as he assessed the situation. Without hesitation, he issued commands to the team, his voice cutting through the chaos with authority. "We need to start CPR," he declared, his tone urgent and resolute. Instantly, the room sprang into action, the nurses and doctors working in synchronized harmony as they initiated the life-saving procedure.

My hands trembled as I clutched the doorframe, my gaze fixed on Mew's motionless form. Each compression of his chest felt like a hammer blow to my heart, the rhythmic thud echoing in my ears like a grim reminder of the precariousness of life. Tears welled in my eyes as I silently prayed for Mew's recovery, every fiber of my being willing him to hold on, to fight against the encroaching darkness.

As the commotion in the room continued, Alex and Marima quickly arrived at my side, their presence a balm to my frayed nerves. Without a word, they enveloped me in a comforting embrace. Together, we retreated to a quieter corner of the waiting room, seeking solace in each other's company.

Sitting side by side, we formed a solemn tableau of apprehension and hope, our collective anxiety palpable in the tense silence between us. I rested my elbows on my knees, burying my face in my hands as waves of fear and doubt threatened to overwhelm me. Marima's gentle caresses on my back brought me some semblance of comfort.

The doctor's arrival brought a glimmer of hope to the tense waiting room. With counted steps, he approached us, his expression serious but tinged with a hint of relief. "I'm pleased to inform you that his condition has stabilized," he began, "He's out of immediate danger, but it's up to him to wake up."

A collective sigh of relief passed through us, a weight lifted from our shoulders as the doctor continued to explain the positive signs he'd observed. "There's no need to worry any further at the moment," he assured us.

I nodded gratefully, my heart swelling with gratitude for the skill and dedication of the medical staff. "Thanks, doc," I whispered, my voice tinged with emotion.

"He's going to be alright," Marima murmured, her tone filled with conviction. "He's going to wake up

As the three of us entered Mew's room, a sense of calm set in, in stark contrast to the chaos that had reigned earlier. Marima and Alex exchanged a brief glance, a silent understanding passing between them before they turned to me.

"We'll give you some time alone with him, Charlotte," Marima said gently.

I nodded appreciatively. After waving my hand one last time, they discreetly left the room, leaving me alone with Mew.


My muscles protested as I shifted in the armchair, the uncomfortable stiffness reminding me of the hours I'd spent at Mew's bedside. Rubbing my eyes, I glanced at the clock on the wall, it was late.

A feeling of hunger gnawed at my stomach, reminding me that I still hadn't eaten. Rising from my chair, I tiptoed to the door, determined to find something to appease my appetite. As I reached for the handle, a vision in the corridor stopped me in my tracks.

There, seated on one of the chairs, was Engfa, her head resting against the wall, arms crossed, fast asleep. A wave of guilt washed over me as I realized I had forgotten to respond to her messages and neglected to keep her informed. My phone, now dead, lay forgotten in my pocket.

As I approached Engfa, I crouched down beside her, gently brushing a stray lock of hair away from her face. Leaning in, I pressed a soft kiss to her cheek, hoping to rouse her from her slumber. Engfa stirred, her eyes fluttering open, fatigue evident in their red-rimmed edges. Guilt gnawed at me as I watched her, knowing I had inadvertently left her waiting, worried and alone.

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