Chapter Eighty-Three: Anxious

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Rodrick spent his days of suspension on bed rest. He had the best naps he ever had in his entire life. Mainly because everyone in his household was gone so he didn't get interrupted.

By the time he went back to school, he was feeling much better. Y/N was not.

Life was painfully boring without her. He was glad he was able to text her but it wasn't the same as seeing her.

Not only was he upset over not being able to see her, but the Christmas concert was drawing nearer and she was still sick. He was deeply concerned that she wasn't going to make it to the concert.

Which made it hard for him to concentrate during practices. He was doing the concert for her. So he could play her the song he wrote for her. He didn't want to play the song if she wasn't going to be there.

"I don't think I can do it," he said during practice as he abruptly stopped drumming.

Everyone stopped and looked at him.

"That's the fifth time you've said that today and the tenth time we stopped because of you," said Barry as he gave Rodrick an annoyed frown.

"Why can't you do it?" Lexi asked.

"What's the point in playing a song I wrote about my girlfriend if she's not going to be there?" Rodrick sighed.

"We don't know for sure if she's going to miss it or not," Ben told him, trying his best to be reassuring.

"Besides, we don't have to play that song. We could play 'Jingle Bell Rock' instead," Lexi said.

"And if she does show up, we'll play both," said Ben with a smile.

Rodrick sighed. "Okay," he said whilst nodding.

"So are you backing out? Are you playing the song? What's going on?" Barry asked.

"I'm playing the song," Rodrick replied. "Okay. One more practice and we'll stop."

One more practice ended up being four more because Mrs. Heffley interrupted them to offer snacks, Greg kept pestering them and Rodrick got distracted and checked his phone for messages from Y/N.

Their last practice was the first successful one of the day. And by the time they were done, everyone had to leave. They all packed up their instruments and said goodbye to Rodrick before leaving.

The moment they left, Rodrick walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch. He pulled out his phone and giggled whilst kicking his feet when he saw that Y/N had texted him.

nerd<33: Sorry for not answering, I was sleeping
Rodrick: that's completely fine
Rodrick: don't apologize
Rodrick: have you been feeling any better
nerd<33: A little
nerd<33: I made chicken noodle soup again today and I am officially sick of it
nerd<33: I never want to eat it ever again
nerd<33: I've been eating it for the last few days and the thought of it makes me want to vomit
Rodrick: hahaha
Rodrick: i'm glad your feeling better besides for the soup
Rodrick: do you think you'll be well enough to go to the christmas concert
nerd<33: I hope so
nerd<33: I think there's like a 93% chance I will be able to go
Rodrick: good
Rodrick: i really want you to be there
nerd<33: :)
Rodrick: :))

"Oh, Y/N, I really want you to be there. I can't wait until you hear me play so you can give me a big kiss," a voice said from behind him.

Rodrick spun around to see Greg leaning over the couch, reading his text messages.

"What the hell, dude?" Rodrick exclaimed as he jumped up.

&quot;hey nerd&quot; &quot;hey doofus&quot; -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now