A different perspective!

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Kelly(K) is still over, and she is speaking with Walker(W) and Parker(P). 

(K) Ok, I do not want you to be hurt with me, but I am going to have to ask questions and be blunt about it.

(W) Ok.

(K) Parker, what we discuss stays between us three.

(P) I understand.

(K) Easton tells me you hold yourself responsible for all the trauma Landon has been through. Does that sound accurate?  

(W) Yes. 

(K) Can you explain?

(W) I just feel like it was all my fault. If I had been there for him, he would not have been beaten, molested, starved, or hurt. I feel like. 

(K) I am going to stop you. I see Parker wants to say something. Parker, you go first and then I will talk. 

(P) Walker is it not your fault. I don't understand how you could think that. 

(W) I am your guardian now and. 

(K) Ok, I am going to interrupt again. Parker is absolutely correct. None of this is your fault. I have been the family's psychologist for a long time. I was there for your mom and dad before they passed away. Walker you were sixteen when Landon was taken. You were not the parent or the guardian. You were the older brother who wanted to go off to college in New York. Then you stayed here and went to Chicago. You lived at home, and you helped your parents build the business up and take care of these babies. I did not agree with their decision then and we have never spoke about it. It was a selfish decision that was made by your parents. You felt like you needed to give up your education, time, and your life to raise their kids. I understand they both fell apart when Landon was taken. They are to blame though. You are not to blame. Landon was under their care. It was your dad's brother who took him. How do you think it is your fault?

(W) I went to a party that night. Mom was tired and I knew it. I could have stayed home and helped. 

(K) There we go again. You feel like you should have given up your teenage life to stay home and babysit. You were just a boy. It is not your job to take care of your siblings. At the time you had a mom and a dad. It was their job to raise the boys. It was not your job. I always encouraged them to get a nanny, or a babysitter and they did not trust anyone. Baby, this is not your fault. 

(W) I didn't know any of that. 

(K) What we spoke about was meant to stay between us. However, I am not going to let you sit here and blame yourself for mistakes they made. Walker you are one of the most caring people I know. You gave up your childhood, your young adult life, your whole adult life now, your ambitions, your dreams, your chance to travel the world. I want you to know I am very proud of you. You are the most giving person I know. Do you remember what you told me you wanted to go to school to be?

(W) I wanted to go to be a doctor. 

(K) What kind of doctor?

(W) I wanted to travel with doctors without borders. 

(K) Do you see my point?

(W) Yes. 

(P) You have always wanted to be there for someone else. You need to make sure you are taken care of too. 

(K) I agree. 

(W) I understand. 

(K) Do you really understand?

(W) Yes. 

(K) Whose fault was this? 

(W) It was my mom and dad's fault. 

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