Climbing sucks

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{Small small blood warning}
Cody's POV:

We make it the mountain we have to climb after hours, it was already dark when we got there. We decided to go asleep before heading up, once it was morning we started our journey of climbing. Once we started hiking we noticed that the ground was quite slippery due to the rain from yesterday. How did we know? Because I already almost slipped off. As me and Noah were hiking up it was definitely difficult, as we were climbing we started talking to get our mind off the fact we could easily fall off and die. "Noah if we ever make it out of this apocalypse, I wish we get married." I say out of nowhere, Noah immediately looks at me slightly flustered "Don't you think it would be early I mean we're only in our early twenties." Noah tells me "Well you don't know when this apocalypse will end. For all we know it may take years!" I mention as we continue to carefully try to climb the mountain.

"Hmm... you're such a dork." He chuckled quietly, as we continued to hike for no damn reason a zombie was on the steep trail! The zombie of course ignored Noah and ran towards me, I panicked especially since the ground was slippery which meant the zombie was faster but before I could do anything Noah kinda just shoved the zombie off the mountain. "GRAHHHHHH" I heard the zombie yell out then a splat sound, both me and Noah looked at each other then down the mountain to see the zombie moving a little it kinda looked like a roach that didn't die to the first hit. It looked grossed some blood was even flowing out of the zombie ears. "Huh, that was easier than I expected..!" I said out loud, I looked over at Noah "Do you think there's gonna be more?" I asked him he nods "Most likely." we both continued our climb. Noah was right we did find more but they mainly fell down the mountain.

As we continue to hike the mountain we find a fucking Grizzly bear! Out all times to find a damn grizzly bear why now! Also how the fuck did it make it up here? Me and Noah immediately hid behind some rocks staying as silent as possible, we hear the bear growling I quietly peek out of our hiding spot to see where the bear is and noticed that it looking for something and then the bear sniffs the air, then started walking down the mountain. The bear is probably trying to find food or something I hid back into the hiding spot, me and Noah look at each other doing a quiet sigh of relief. In the same time I noticed a fucking spider on my arm.

What the fuck. I quietly panicked to myself and I think Noah noticed because he looked down on my arm then back at me. He proceed to kill the spider by hitting it with a rock, which OW! I whimper at the pain from the sharp rock leaving a cut "Ah shit sorry..." Noah whispered to me after realizing his mistake. He quickly peeks out of our hiding spot and immediately moved back and put his finger in front of his lip signaling for me to stay silent. I didn't understand at first but then I heard a low growl from the grizzly bear. I go dead quiet and I hear it slowly approaches our spot, after a moment we hear the grizzly bear run off it probably noticed something else that caught its attention.

We both sigh a sigh of relief, and take this time while the bear is gone to continue and quickly bandage my cut. We both quickly left the around as we continue to hike the mountain. For a good while nothing bad happened besides me getting tired until, it started to get cloudy and grey again both me and Noah noticed this "I hope it doesn't rain again.." I get a bit concerned, Noah nods. We both continue until we felt raindrops once again. It now was raining, this would be fun if it wasn't the fact we're on a stupid steep mountain! Also since there basically no shelter we both just continue the climb the stupid mountain which was a horrible idea.

It was really slippery "We have horrible luck today don't we?" I pointed out "Yup we really do." as we continue hiking my legs were starting to get really sore I tired to walk through it but at one point my legs gave up on me causing me to fall backwards. I would've fallen down the mountain but Noah grabbed onto my arm. "Don't fall now." He pulled me up "I think we should take a break." Noah suggested and I immediately agreed and we sat on a rock together as the rain harshly hit the ground the rain sounded somewhat calming. I quickly stretch and then leaned on Noah falling asleep. I wake up probably hours later because the rain the stop and it was quite dark so I'm assuming it's now night.

I look over to Noah who is asleep surprisingly I haven't seen him asleep in a while. I mean he's a zombie does he need to sleep, I guess they do. I debate on if I should wake him up or not. I eventually wake him up by gently shaking him up "Noah wake up~" I said in a soft tone he slowly opens his eyes and then quickly looks around then back at me "Hello Cody." he said with a small smile. "We should keep climbing and try to get it over with!" I suggest and he just nods we continue and grab a flashlight from my bag to shine our path. As we walked we didn't talk much all we could hear is crickets chirping after a few minutes later it went dead silent not even the crickets were chirping it felt very unsettling. I grabbed Noah hands feeling kinda scared and paranoid Noah's hand felt cold also Noah probably noticed my paranoia because he gently run the back of my hand to calm me down which kinda worked.

After a while I hear a stick snap behind us, I quickly flash it where I heard it not seeing anything. Maybe I'm just being paranoid? "Cody are you okay? You seem a bit on edge?" I nod "I guess I'm just paranoid since it's dark out." I say quite nervously, he nods and he continues to rub the back of my hand. We continue to hike the mountain I ended up scratching my arm bleeding a little so we stopped to bandaged it up as we stopped Noah cleaned off the wound and then bandaged it. Afterwards we stay silent not even going back to hike after a bit I hear a low growl which kinda scared me. "Noah did you hear that?" I quietly asked him "Yeah.." we both looked at the direction I remembered that Izzy gave me a tranquilizer gun so I quietly grabbed it. We then hear yelling and groaning we both quietly check it was two zombies fighting each other.

They immediately crack their necks and look over at us and runs at both me and Noah I panic and shoot both of them with the tranquilizer gun both of them fall onto the ground and groans quietly before not moving at all. Both me and Noah grabs our thing and decide to move on. Leaving the zombies behind, I look up the mountain seeing that we're kinda far but getting close might take us another hour or more not sure. I still felt uneasy even if I think the zombies are unconscious or whatever. It's still silent and I don't like it. The silence is unbearable in a way I think I'm just paranoid. I hear something running I turn around to see what it is and another damn zombie runs at me but it makes it to me this time. The zombie pushes me causing me to fall off but I was able to grab onto the ledge. I hear a groan/yelp then silence.

I see Noah walk over to me and helped me up. I then see a stick through the zombie neck that definitely wasn't there earlier. We kinda just pushed the zombie off the cliff and watched it fall until it went splat and hit the ground. Both of us start hiking again. Eventually the sun started to rise a bit. I looked up once again seeing that we're closer to the top! Me and Noah started chatting about what we'll do if we make it out of the apocalypse and what we think life would be like, but after a while Noah went dead silent mid conversation and stop moving for a second. I had a bad feeling it reminded that one time when Izzy saved me from him.. I snap myself out of thought to see him lunging towards me.

"Fuck not again.." I immediately grabbed the tranquilizer gun and last second shot him with him. Making him basically paralyzed. He tries to move but fails and just lay there. "Huh" I look at the rest of the trail "how am I going to bring him up there if he's paralyzed?" I realized to myself I look down at him, I already know I'm not the strongest so I doubt I can pick him up. I try to pick him up but just as I thought I can't, I grab his arm and kinda just drag him up the mountain which was a pain to do and probably painful for Noah back. So let's just say 2 hours later we finally reach the top and Noah was unconscious probably sleeping. The moment we reach the top the scenery was absolutely beautiful it was a field full of the Jenaline flower.

I put Noah down onto the grassy ground as I also sit on the grassy field. The field honestly looked stunning, I breathe in the fresh air then breathe out I look other at Noah whose was asleep I play with his hair for a while until I noticed him shifting then his eyes slowly open. "Hello Noah." I say happily "Hello Cody" he sits up and notices the field. "Since when did we make it up here" he asks I chuckle nervously "I kinda just dragged you up here.. BUT at least the flowers are here now we just pick some and return to Izzy and Eva." I tell him "Okay well no wonder my bad kinda hurts but okay we should pick the flowers now." I nod and we both got up and started picking the flowers which was nice. We didn't have anywhere to put the flowers so one of us cough cough me cough cough was gonna hold the flowers for the rest of the time.

"Okay we're done!" I say happily Noah nods as well "Now we need to.." I then realize now we need to climb down which would be a pain! "Now we need to climb down.. which is gonna take forever!" I groaned in annoyance.


Zombie {A Noco story}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ