Agrument 2.0

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Noah POV:
The sun is now just rising and I have killed four zombies less than usual. Surprisingly Cody walked out of the tent it's very early then he usually wakes up, he usually wakes up around late morning/early afternoon. He walks up then sits across of me zoning out. "Morning Cody." He snaps out of his trance and looks up to me "Morning.." he avoids eye contact he sounded a little annoyed and slightly guilty. I ignore "would you like me to get you something to eat or drink?" I offered but he quickly declined my offer, we sat in silence for what felt like hours even though it's only been 5 minutes at best.

"We should start climbing the mountain shouldn't we." He tells me and I nod we pack up and started climbing we almost fell off like five times it was kinda scary because I realized that if I wasn't careful I could lose Cody. We eventually made it to the top and it was just a small flat field with one single tree. It was very empty and definitely NO plant/flower we were looking for! It was kinda annoying but we both sat at the tree looking at the view. I look over at Cody and remembered last night. "Cody?" "What." He replied fairly quickly I hesitate for a moment trying to figure out how I want to ask "About last night.." his face immediately was a mixture of annoyance and guilt.

"What about it?" "You told me that I don't how to help and-." I was immediately cut off by him "Yeah it's the truth and?" he said very annoyed I was surprised by how quick his mood changed, "I just want to ask how can I change that.!" I tell him hoping to get some type of answer. "LOOK I don't know!" "Do you know what makes you annoyed at least!" I ask him trying to get anything from him so I can help. "LIKE I SAID NOT TI LONG AGO I DON'T KNOW! YOU JUST DON'T HELP SOMETIMES!" I got slightly irritated and yelled "IM SORRY I JUST WANT TO HELP YOU!" I went silent not saying a word after I said, I noticed he had few tears at his eyes. Maybe I shouldn't have yelled and trying to get an answer from him like that.. Especially in this situation. He looked at me rolled his eyes and huffed in anger, he scooted away from me then stared at the view for a while.

I got up to make the camp since I doubt we're going back down anytime soon. I made him food still and also started the fire but it's safe to say we didn't look or talk to each other all afternoon and night. He went to bed and I stayed outside and kept watch even though I doubt there will be anything I mean we're on a damn mountain for crying out loud! After what felt like ever it sun was rising once again, but it took til noon for Cody to wake up. I made him food but for the rest of that day I noticed that he looked upset, but it's not my problem.

We packed and carefully went down the mountain took us a little longer so it was late afternoon once we got down. We still didn't talk, we ended staying at that area for 2 days not talking or anything. Until the 3rd day staying there I couldn't take it anymore and went to go apologize and try to make things right. I went to him and found him in the tent "Cody!" I called out for him "Noah..?" he looked at me a bit confused. I went to him and hugged him and I began to apologize.

"I'm so sorry Cody! I didn't mean to yell at you I was just got irritated at nothing!" I then heard him sniffing "No no no! You shouldn't be the one apologizing! It's my fault I've just been mad at nothing and ignoring everything you do! You tired to help me even if I didn't take your help! I'm so sorry!" He started to cry a bit and that caused me to shed a few tears as well. "It's not your fault! You've been through so much!" I tell him, we continue to stay in each other's arms for a while until he fell asleep and I grabbed a blanket and put it over him.

First Love/Late Spring
That was what I was listening to while making the end part

Zombie {A Noco story}Where stories live. Discover now