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Cody's POV
It's been a whole day and Heather yet to come back. I'm starting to have a really bad feeling. "Noah can we try to go find Heather? She hasn't returned yet and I'm getting concerned." He agreed and we packed up and left to find her. We searched for what felt like hours we eventually entered a building that smelled really bad. We explored and we ended up finding Heather.. She was dead. I immediately ran to her and started to cry.

"HEATHER!" I shook her like if to wake her up. But I don't think she'll wake up, I continue to cry. Heather was like a sister to me, and now she fucking gone! Noah came over to me and hugged me, offering me comfort. I immediately took it and cried in his shoulder. "She's gone isn't she..?" I whispered to him, still in disbelief, denial that she died. I feel him nod, I really thought me Noah and Heather would make it out alive all together. I continued to cry, "This stupid apocalypse has taken so much from me!" I screamed out still crying. I cried for a while as Noah comforted me as much as he could. I eventually fell asleep in his arms due to being exhausted from crying.

I woke up at a new camp since we keep moving, I noticed Noah but I didn't bother to get up. I felt tired, I started to remember Heather dead body, I began to tear up again. I breathed in and exhaled sighing, that caught the attention of Noah and he moved over to me. "Hey you okay..? I know Heather was close to you and all.." He asked "I'm fine." I responded, I wasn't fine and we all knew that. I felt numb. Noah went next to me and tried to talk to me but i just listened to him not really talking, I began to feel tired again and fell asleep.

{Time skip to five days later}

Noah POV:
I know that before me and Cody started dating he was close to Heather in a sibling type dynamic. So I know it probably hit Cody hard when Heather died. She looked badly injured too. I just wish I knew how to help Cody exactly! I want to be there to support him it's just recently he hasn't been eating or anything. He's been in denial this past 5 days. He's just been in a deep depression, I try to help but he usually says his fine but I know we both know his not fine. He hasn't been wanting to go for the plant or talk to me and he does is stay in our camp.

Sometimes he would rant to me for hours about how shock he is for Heather about her death and state his fear for us. State his guilt saying how he should be the one to die or he'll blame himself for her death saying how he should've come along and he could've saved her. It would hurt me hearing him say this. It was not his fault that she died, it was just her time to go. I would try to comfort him and tell him it's not his fault as much as I could but sometimes he just wouldn't listen. Which I don't blame him I know if I was in his situation I wouldn't be listening.

I went to go and check up on him he looked a little bit skinnier, "Hey Cody, you haven't been eating I think you should.." I gave him some canned food, "I'm not hungry.." he replied "Please you haven't ate in days, please do it for me..?" he looked towards me, his eyes seemed to be puffy and red as if he had been crying for a while he then slowly took the canned food and began to slowly eat it. "Thank you.." I thank him he smiles at me a little, the continues to eat it and lean on me. After he finished eating he shortly fell asleep. I know it will take a while for him to move on but grieving takes a while it can take weeks to months to even years. I looked over to him as he softly snores I know that'll we'll get through this apocalypse together. And I'll make sure of it.

It's now the morning and I stayed by Cody side to not leave him alone even if he was asleep. After a while he woke up "Hello Noah.." he said tiredly "Hello, how was your sleep?" I ask him "Okay.." he responds not looking at me. His voice sounded very numb, I felt like I had to say something "Want to cuddle..? Like we used to do?" I asked awkwardly trying to break the silence "No not really.." he told me it went silent again and I started to fidgeting with my hands, feeling a bit awkward. I noticed that he zoned out so I gently shook him snapping him back to reality "Cody you seem in deep thought. What you thinking about?" I question he then reply by saying "I sometimes wish Heather would walk in and laugh at us for thinking she'll die and leave us behind like that." he continues to look off into the distance. What he tells me starts to make me tear up and I sigh I hesitate a bit so I ask "Do you need a hug?" He starts to tear up as well and hesitates to say anything but looks at me. "I think I do."

I open my arms and he immediately moves to me and hugs me quietly crying into my shoulder. I comfort him until he eventually stops crying and falls asleep once again. He sure does sleep a lot nowadays but he needs the energy.

{Spoiler for the next few chapters 👇:

Ima be writing Cody going through grieving for a bit and I honestly don't know how to write someone grieving so in grieving era sorry if things don't make sense.}

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