Some help

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Noah POV:

I slowly wake up to see that I'm one on the floor and two I noticed that Cody has some bandages over him. I immediately get up and move over to him "Oh my god! Cody are you okay?!" I noticed that flinched so I back up a little "I'm okay-." then someone cut him off "Oooo~ look whose up!" I look up to see "Izzy?" "The one and only!" she said with a smile. Then Eva came out of no where and told me "You should apologize to Cody because by what Izzy and Cody told me you attacked him" she sounded disappointed but I then realized what she just said "I did WHAT?" I looked over at Cody immediately "Oh my god no wonder you have bandages all over you! I'm so so sorry I don't know what wrong with me!" I started apologizing knowing I fucked up badly. He then grabbed my hand I look up at him and we make eye contact "I accept your apology but I'm definitely gonna be more careful around you to be honest." I smiled softly and he removed his hand. "Thank you.. again sorry." I say somewhat awkwardly.

Izzy, Eva, and Cody started to talk as I just kinda listen. Somehow the conversation shifted to what are we planning on doing next "We wanted to go find this flower called the Jenaline to see if it can cure Noah." Cody tells them "Jenaline?" Eva asked Cody nodded "I think I know what you're talking about! I heard it rare! Found in caves and mountains. I once remember climbing a mountain and found a field of them!" Izzy chimed in "Really? Do you remember where??" Cody asked "Of course I do! It's 43.94922° N, 69.30781° W" everyone looked at her confused. Eva whispered in her ear but it's not even a whisper if I can hear it but she told Izzy "Babe he didn't mean like that.." she then moved back. "Ohh my bad my bad. From right here it would probably be a 7-8 hour walk.. and it takes another 9-10 hours to climb it if you're a professional!" Izzy informed us both me and Cody looked at each other knowing this gonna be tough.

We moved off topic and they started talking about random stuff, that was until Eva looked at me and asked "Hey how come bookworm over here a zombie, why is he able to talk and all that unlike the other zombies?" both me and Cody shrug not knowing ourselves. "What if he's like the chosen one which I highly doubt because look at him, or or it can be true love, or he's is doomed!" Izzy suggests "One what do you mean by look at me!" I say referring to her first suggestion feeling kinda offended she just shrugged with a grin. "And two it can really be anything." They once again started talking about random stuff "Shouldn't you think you guys should leave now since Izzy did say earlier wherever this flower is, is like 7-8 hour walk?" Both me and Cody realized that we should probably leave now so we can get it over with. Me and Cody were getting up and about to leave but Izzy took Cody off to the side so I had to wait.

Once they came back Cody had an additional bag. Izzy pushed us out of the door then pointed at a random direction and sent us off. I look over at Cody "What's in the bag?" I ask "A tranquilizer gun with some darts and a grappler gun. I wonder where she even got this stuff from!" "It's Izzy, who knows where she got that from! I stopped questioning her a while ago."

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