First day of the apocalypse Noah POV

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Noah's POV:
Me and Cody agreed to go to the mall with a few friends being Owen, Heather, we walked there and once we got there Cody took out his phone I could only assume he texted the group chat since not even seconds after I got a text from the group chat. We go to the food court and sit down as we wait for our friends. We started chatting then out of nowhere Cody ask "Noah would you love me if I was a zombie?" I look at him then reply "As long you don't eat me" He giggles a bit which made me smile after a bit Owen and Heather joins us and we all start catching up and talking in general.

After a bit we hear a faint scream and that scared Cody and me and the others are a bit confused and worried. We ignore it until we hear more screams but it's gets a bit louder we decide to leave as we're leaving we hear people yelling and panicking then everyone immediately rush's to leave. Me and Cody held hands to stay together but with the crowd shoving and pushing to leave our grip loose and lose each other hands. "NOAH!" I hear Cody yell in the screaming crowd, but I lose sight of him as we get separated I start to worry if he'll be okay or not.

I eventually was able to get out of the crowd and exit the mall but the only thing is I'm now all alone no Cody, Owen, or Heather! I prayed that Cody is okay I went out to try to find him and the others. While searching I found this person who straight up looked like a zombie, all bloody missing parts of his skin, grey greenish skin more green, he ended running at me and I don't really have a weapon so I ran away. But it kept chasing me eventually I get corner and I start thinking it's the end, but then someone start beating the living shit of the zombie.

After a bit they finish and the zombie just looks gross I looked up to see who saved me "Alejandro?" I get a bit surprised he look at me "Hello Noah. You looked in destress I couldn't let you die now." he then offers me his hand I take it and he helps me up. "The apocalypse happened really quick. Say would you care to join me and my group?" He offers "No, I need to find Cody." I decline his offer I was about to leave to find Cody again until "Noah I promise you that me and our group will help you find Cody."

I stopped and thought long and hard but eventually gave him my answer "Fine. I'll join." he smiles a bit "Perfecto! Come on I'll take you to the hide out" he grabs my arm and dragged me to his base after a while we made it and he introduced me to them. After all the introducing it turned night and Alejandro took me to a spare room. After a bit I couldn't sleep feeling really worried for Cody still. I sneak out of my room while the others were asleep even though I recognize Alejandro voice and one of the other people in the group talking in a whisper voice.

I walked outside with a weapon and found two zombies but I was able to kill them without someone noticing. Afterwards I looked up into the sky at the stary sky as the moon shines. My only thought was to find Cody..

"I'll find you Cody."

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