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{Time skip it's now two weeks later so Heather and Cody is now deciding to follow Alejandro}

Heather's POV:
Me and Cody finally have time to follow Alejandro. We got ready just in case when he leaves we hid outside to see when he leave. After a bit Alejandro walks outside and looked around quickly and started to walk in a random direction. We slowly started following him hiding behind trees, in bushes and all. *Snap*
I look over at Cody who step on a branch I immediately pushed him into a bush and I quickly duck down as well. Alejandro immediately looked where we were just a second ago.

He quickly checks and me and Cody say as quiet as possible Alejandro hesitates but continue to walk. I sigh a quiet but relief sigh. I slowly get same with Cody and we continue to follow. After a while of walking we make it to this base, he enters we quietly and quickly approach the base and check for windows. We found a few windows and checked them all, one window lend to this empty room another lend to this meeting room but we'll come back to that one later. And the last room with a window was very very dark.

I felt like someone presents there. We decide to try to open the window but to no avail, when we tried to open the window we heard shuffling and muffled yelling? It started to freak us out but we also were curious but the window was locked and we couldn't open it. And we couldn't just break it! Especially since Alejandro and who ever else is in there and it would draw attention. We go back to the window that leads to the meeting looking room.

We noticed Alejandro and some other people. We check this window and it open it little. We quietly and carefully open the window a little bit more and afterwards we hid under the window to eavesdrop on their conversation. "So Alejandro when are we gonna raid the base? You told us about it a while ago but we have yet to do it" Someone we don't recognize says, there a long silence then I heard a faint whisper. "We're gonna do it tomorrow." Alejandro says "Are they planning on raiding us..?" Cody whispers to me I think and nod hesitantly feeling that they are indeed talking about us.

"Since Sierra not in the picture it should be easier" We heard Alejandro. Me and Cody looked at each other both worried for Sierra well being. We also felt worried what we would have to go against. "Everyone we should prepare ourselves." I immediately realized we should go warn our team. "We need to go now." I whisper to Cody, he nodded and we left. We headed back to the base where we were greeted by Harold and Gwen doing their own things. "Oh hey Cody, and Heather where did you guys go?" Harold asked, since we both ran back we both were catching our breath. "You two okay?" Gwen asked "We need to talk.. about something important" Cody says and I nod agreeing with him. After we catch our breath and we explain to them about Alejandro plan.

After we explain they looked fairly shocked. "Okay we need to definitely come up with a plan and fast especially since it gonna happen tomorrow" Harold quickly say right after we explain "But we don't really know what they're planning on doing." "Gwen's right. We don't really know what their plan is." Cody agrees with Gwen and I nod agreeing as well. "But we need to hurry up because Alejandro can appear any moment!" I tell them and they all nod

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