What the hell?

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{This takes place in the past two days after Noah is left to die}

Noah POV
I slowly feel my eyes open, I immediately get blinded by the bright sunlight, I suddenly remember what happened and I quickly look around then I finally look down into my hands. "What the hell..?" My hands were grey greenish color only small parts of my skin being my original skin color. I got up and saw a zombie on the floor I then remember that it was the zombie that bitten me I immediately check where the bite mark would be, and it's still there. I got up and grabbed some of the stuff that belonged to me like the journal and then started walking still confused on how this happening.

My head started to hurt a little I looked for a mirror and eventually after walking for while I found a broken mirror and looked into it. I basically looked like a zombie! Just way way less bloody, and no missing skin. What the fuck happen? How did this happen? I then immediately remember Cody. "I need to find Cody!" I tell myself. I immediately start searching but ran into a zombie while I was searching I thought it would hurt me but it just walk by. "Oh yeah forgot." I continue in searching. I ran into a person and they immediately tried to kill me and I literally had to run for my life.

Once I got away that's when I realize "Now I need to be careful or stay away from people.." I'm going need to get used to this.. "Wait what do I eat? Do I even eat?" I ask myself, I sigh still not used to this at all "I still need to find Cody!" I continue to search and it begins to become night I know I don't have much to worry as long I don't run into someone who isn't a zombie. As I thought that I ran into someone else and he was with a group. One of them ran to me with a knife I had to run away and they wouldn't leave me alone after a whole damn hour I lost them.

I look around and realizing I'm even more lost than I was before. "Ugh!" I begin to walk in a random direction hoping I find something I did I ended up finding a building it looked to be 5-6 floors I enter it hoping it's high enough I could figure out where I am. After going the stairs that in pretty good shape I get to the top and notice a two things. One this building literally in the middle of nowhere! Who the fuck would put a building in the middle of nowhere?! And two there's nothing I don't really see much.

I'm gonna be walking for awhile aren't I? But I still need to find Cody.. But he could be anywhere I should start searching again instead of wasting time. I go down the stairs until I hear voices "What an odd place to put a building." "Yeah but hey it could have stuff in here." Oh fuck I need to get out of here. They could kill me! I go the closest floor to me which is the second floor I notice a broken window and as I hear the two people going up the stairs I just jump out which didn't hurt as much as I thought.

"What was that noise?" One of them said "beats me" then they go back to chatting I get up and notice I cut a piece of my clothing. "That's annoying.." I sigh and start walking in a random way once again. I continue getting lost until it turned daylight. I knew one thing and one thing only.

"I'll find you Cody even if it means I die for good"

Zombie {A Noco story}Where stories live. Discover now