Strange behavior..

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{It been a few days after their talk}

Cody's POV:
It's been a few days since me and Noah had our talked and I think it really helped me. I've finally been trying to get back onto my feet, and Noah well his been supporting me and helping me with it kinda. Though I have noticed he's been kinda aggressive. He would "accidentally" scratch or hit me but immediately start apologizing saying he doesn't know what gotten into him. Which I do believe him he seems really genuine in his apology and he always immediately look guilty after accidentally hurting me.

But we both don't really know why he's doing it. I'm concerned though, I mean who wouldn't! I remember when Heather told me about her concerns about him and how he's a zombie, and now I'm starting to think about her words.. I mean he can hurt me but I believe him when he says he doesn't know what gotten into him. I won't let that stop me from helping him! This morning is the day we finally leave to go exploring before going back to the quest of trying to find those plants/flowers that could possibly heal Noah. We left and went more to east to find some area to get some from mainly for me.

We headed and found a fairly broken town. We ended up splitting up him exploring half of the town and me exploring the other half. I walked over my half entering one of the buildings, I found nothing and ended up looking through almost them all finding basically nothing. "Damn I really haven't found anything.." I tell myself and started walking to the last one. It seemed to be the biggest "Huh, I should've started with this one." I walked inside noticing stairs I decided I'll check the stairs last, so I began checking room to room basically finding almost nothing, I found a small box but I wouldn't dare open it since I don't really know what in it.

I finally decided to walk up the stairs which were creaking quite a bit, but the stairs lead me to an attic like place. I ended up coughing due to the large amount dust that was in there, I looked around seeing mainly boxes. "Don't tell me I have to look through these boxes.." I became a little dreadful but continued on. I started searching after a while I haven't found anything good but I then heard the stairs creaking, someone was moving towards me I moved my hand near my pocket knife I slowly turn my head to face the stairs. I tightened my grip feeling a bit nervous but I then see Noah I get a bit relieved knowing that it isn't anything bad so I put back my knife.

"Noah, you scared me I thought you were someone else." I chuckled but I notice once he got up he was staring at me but he look on his face was kinda weird. I'm not trying to be rude but his face made me feel uncomfortable which is new because he never made me uncomfortable I alway felt comfortable and safe with him but this changed his aura and stare made me scared. "Noah..?" I tried to snap him out of his trance of whatever he started to run at me which freaked me out he then scratched me which hurt a lot I immediately cover the wound with my hand. I immediately started to panic because one I didn't want to hurt him, two I know if I don't do anything I'll be the one getting badly hurt until I probably die. I felt tears at my eyes knowing this is most likely the end-

My thoughts were cut off by Noah falling onto the ground. "OH MY GOD!" I say very surprised and worried about him I notice a needle like thing in his back "Don't worry he's not dead! Just asleep." I hear a voice say I look up and see "IZZY?" I say quite shock "The one and only!" she says with a smile. She walks up towards me and looks down at Noah and quickly picks him up. "Follow me unless you want to be left to die." She said in a playful tone I immediately agreed and follow her, still covering my wounds with my hands in some pain. After some time we end up  at this house literally in the middle of the woods no joke. We enter it's pretty spacious and big, Izzy takes me and the unconscious Noah to the what seems like a living room and drops Noah right in front of the couch. At the time Eva came in and noticed us "Hello Izzy I see you brought some people."

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