Its not your fault

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{What a surprise an another time skip its now been another week. I've just realized that I do a lot of time skips..}

Noah's POV:
It's been a week and he's been kinda eating and drinking. He's only eating and drinking like once or twice a week but it's a work in progress. He's still usually still in camp, he hasn't been having the energy to leave he just stays inside, I can't blame him though. I would most likely do the same. We set off to originally find the plant for me but we're going to have to delay that of course because Cody mental health is more important than me becoming human again. I went to Cody to make sure he's okay.

I walked to him to see what he's doing I look over at him and he's sitting in a corner writing or drawing on an old piece of paper. "Whatcha writing?" I asked him "I'm drawing. Not writing." he replied I look over at what he's drawing it was a picture with me and him holding hands and Heather making a peace sign. She used to always do that whenever we would take selfies. I'm guessing he's drawing an old selfie he remembers. Most of our phones died and since there's no electricity we can't charge them.

"Are you drawing an old selfie?" I ask softly as I look over his shoulder, he nods. He continues to draw and I just watch him draw for a while until he stops and looks up to me. "Do you think we'll even survive this apocalypse?" "Of course we will." I respond he sighed and leaned on me staring into space. I wrap one my arms around him. "Was it my fault?" I hear Cody quietly whisper "What do you mean?" "Heather, I feel like I could've change her out come. But now she's gone." Cody started to cry "Cody we've talked about this before I promise you it's not your fault." "I know but still I feel like I could've done something different." he looked sadder than before as he continued to quietly cry.

"Cody you've got to trust me it's not your fault. I bet if Heather was here to hear this she'll also tell you it's not your fault." I try to reassure him he hesitantly nods I started to talk about random things to keep his mind off of things. He'll talk as well ever once in a while a bit I was mainly keeping the conversation up. After a while of me talking about things that happened in my books I red in the past Cody had fallen asleep. I smile a little and pat his hair softly, I hope he'll understand that it's not his fault. I look out of our camp and see the stars in the night sky it was beautiful. I look back at Cody and put my head on his head.

I know I can help Cody through this and we'll get live through this apocalypse. Even if he doesn't believe I know we're gonna to make it.

{This felt short because it is and I hate that sorry for short chapters}

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