828 28 18

15th August
AMP House
- morning -

happy easter :)) putting out this chapter cause like i said i've written them all and have sm to put out in tryna get it moving 😭

Amora gets up at around 11 to start cleaning up. She gets up out of bed, attempting not to wake Duke but he wakes up. "come hereee" he groans and she rolls her eyes.

"I wanna clean up" she says and Duke pulls her back to bed. "Dontavious." she laughs.

"Don't make that my new nickname" he kisses her cheek and she gets back up. "Come ons" she says and he pulls her back down.

"Go look downstairs we already had somebody come and clean up" he says and she gets on top of him.

He puts his hand up the oversized t-shirt she's wearing and rubs up and down her back, still keeping his eyes closed.

He moves his hand to her thigh and slides his hand up. He looks at her and she just looks back at him. "I'm wearing no underwear right now stop playing" she hits his arm and he bites his lip.

"I love your teeth without grills you know" she smiles. "Yeah but you love when I eat that pussy with them in too" he responds and she laughs.

"Since I'm not modelling for a while I wanna eat something greasy" she says. "Like what?" he asks and she shrugs.

"You know I've never tried American McDonald's. It's got so much different shit" she says. "Put some panties on lets go" he says and she laughs, getting up.

She goes to her bag and gets her spare underwear. "I can really just wear the t shirt" she says as he gets up. He stretches and groans. He slaps her ass really hard and she jumps.

He puts on a t shirt and she gets ready. They leave the house and get in his car. "I love this car" she says, crossing her legs. "I want your car so bad. Might get it next" Duke responds and she smiles

Amora drives a white Lamborghini Urus. She lovessss the car with her whole heart.

"What you wanna get at McDonalds?" he asks and she thinks. "I don't know. You can pick" she shrugs and he smiles.

Amora holds her stomach and leans against the window. "Nah my stomach has been fucked up lately. I've been so bloated can we stop at like... a chemist" she says and looks at him.

"Can you say that in American?" he asks and she rolls her eyes and laughs. "A drugstore??? Like where I can get a pregnancy test" she says and his little eyes go wide.

"I don't think I'm pregnant but just in case cause the way I've been feeling lately is so out of the ordinary" she says, laughing a little.

Duke pulls up to McDonalds and goes straight to the first window. "They can never hear me at this one" he says, rolling his window down.

"Hello ma'am" Duke says. "What you want?" he asks looking at Amora

"Get me whatever you think is best. And make sure you get hash browns" she says, looking at him. A guy comes over to the window and Duke daps him up.

After taking the order they wait in line for the next window. "You cold or something?" he asks, pointing to her chest where her nipples are poking through his t shirt shes wearing. "You're so annoying" she hits his arm and he chuckles.

She leans over and pecks his lips. After they get their food from the next window Duke drives them to CVS where Amora gets a test and then drives back to the AMP house. They go inside and to the kitchen. Duke takes out all the food and Amora takes a quick picture before unwrapping one of the sandwiches

Amora goes to the backyard and puts her feet in the water. She goes on her phone and messages Loren, wondering where she is.

"I'm here" Loren says from behind and sits next to Amora. "What you get up to last night?" she asks snd Amora laughs.

"Nothing actually. Just went to sleep" she says and puts her arm around Loren. "What about you?"

"Of course. He's a beast" Loren laughs and Amora laughs too. "I'm gonna fly back tomorrow since youre staying now"

"I love you" Amora hugs her. "I love you too babe" Loren responds and pecks her lips making Amora gasp.

"I KNEW YOU WERE GAY" Amora laughs and Loren laughs too.

They go back inside and Amora goes and sits in Dukes room while he's with Kai. She goes to his bathroom to take the pregnancy test then sits in his room to wait. She sees Dukes computer on and she looks at it closer. "Is this on?" she asks herself out loud and sits on his chair. "Oh shit it is on".

Duke comes in the room and she looks at him. "You're streaming. What if i got naked?" she laughs and he chuckled and pulls another chair over. "My bad i went to go ask Kai something" he says, sipping his drink.

"Anyway chat this is wifey right here" he smirks and she laughs a little and rolls her eyes. Duke continues talking to the stream while Amora goes on her phone.

"I be keeping my relationships a secret but I can't hide this one" he says and she smiles, looking up at the screen.

"Oh my days there's so many comments" she says and leans closer to read. "Someone said to say bottle of water" Duke says.

"Bottle of water" Amora says and Duke laughs, smoking her accent. "Bo'o wo'a" He says, laughing. She hits his arm and keeps reading comments.

"One of my fans needs to make an edit of us" Amora says, pointing at the screen. She leans against Duke's chest and plays with his chain. "I'm gonna get you a chain next. Mark my words" she says and looks up at him, smiling.

She goes to the bathroom and picks up the test, breathing a sigh of relief at the words 'not pregnant'. She puts the test in the bin and goes back to sit with Duke. She whispers in his ear "i'm not pregnant" and he laughs.

"Would've been fun" he says, smiling

To be continued

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