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Winter's POV

I wake up with the sun on my face, mumble my daily complaints and get out of bed, going to do my morning hygiene. I look at the clock next to the bed, seeing that I had wake up a minute before and so I turn it off. I peek outside, smiling at the sight of my beloved London. Today was the first of September, 20 years ago, I woke up to go to my final year at Hogwarts. I smile at the memories.

It's so strange to think about how our lives change from one moment to the next. After the end of the school year, I spent the holidays with Orion and my parents. Afterwards, I moved to Wales with my Hogwarts girlfriend, Karina Yoo. My group of friends remained, although we had much less contact. The last time we saw each other, all of us, was 18 years ago, at my best friend's wedding to Ning.

I had moved to London 7 years ago, and Karina was no longer my girlfriend in that same period of time. I hear noise in the kitchen and automatically smile knowing what I would find when I go down the stairs of my old mansion that I lived in when I was a child. The place didn't bring back good memories for me, but I created good memories as soon as I moved.

- Good morning. - I say, watching the woman with black hair tied in a ponytail finishing setting the table.

- Ah, good morning, love. - She says, giving me a quick peck. - Go wake up the children, we can't be late.

- Just a little. -I say, pulling her by the waist and kissing her neck. I feel her skin crawl, but she pushes me away.

- Win, go quickly. - She replies, laughing lightly and smearing my cheek with the cherry jelly she was holding.

- Yoo... you didn't do that. - I open my mouth in disbelief and Karina laughs, kissing me once again.

- Karina Kim-. Have you forgotten that we got married seven years ago?

I warned you that Karina was no longer my girlfriend. Now I called the girl with the blonde streaks (which haven't been in her hair for years) my wife. The Puddlemere Union Quidditch team had signed her, and we returned to London.

I feel my wife's tongue on my cheek, wiping away the jelly, and then she kisses me tenderly.

- Go there.

Even sullenly, I nod my head and run up the stairs, entering after knocking on the door of one of the rooms. To my surprise, Chan-hee was already standing up, with a huge smile on his face.

- Good morning, Mother.

Chan-hee Kim was 13 years old. He had brown hair, like mine, but his eyes shone the same galaxy as Karina's eyes. Yes, he was a wizard like us and, as I always joked that he was the reincarnation of my twin, because he had the same smile as Chan-hee, he was a Gryffindor like his mother, which was what I imagined my brother would be. Chan-hee had been born from me, after I went through artificial insemination.

- Good morning. - I adjust his red tie, stroking his pale face. - Mom has already put the coffee on the table.

Before he can say anything, I hear the door facing Chan-hee's room slam hard and a redhead appears red with anger, running past me and pushing the boy back hard.

- What did you do with him, Chan-hee? Where's Stuart?

This is Yeoreum Kim. Chan-hee' twin sister. She is my copy in appearance. She has a more aggressive temperament, anything gets her angry, especially her brother. But only she can mess with Chan-hee. Once, during their second year at Hogwarts, Karina and I were called out for a talk because Yeoreum was overdoing it with jinxes (taught by her godmother Uchinaga Aeri). Afterwards she told us that it was with a boy who was bullying Chan-hee, in the end I felt very proud of my daughter, as always, but Aeri even more so knowing that she was using her godmother's knowledge.

Go to Hogwarts - WinrinaWhere stories live. Discover now