Chapter 60 - Goodbye, Hogwarts.

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The NIEMs had passed, that is, the students entered the last week of class. Winter and Karina walked hand in hand through the school, breathing in the air they called home for seven years. It was so strange, Karina thought, that in a few days she would say goodbye to all the magic in the place and live in her parents' Muggle world again, at least until Quidditch League started. The scout had returned two weeks ago, with a letter sent by personal owl. Holyhead Harpies had locked up the team's new Seeker: Karina Yoo. The brunette had no reaction at first, just reading and re-reading the letter, without showing any reaction. Out of curiosity, Ryujin peers over her friend's shoulder to see what it is about, giving a slight scream of excitement and hugging her. The act made the girl with blonde locks understand what had happened, breathing a sigh of relief and hugging her friends as she told them the news. But nothing compared to seeing the smile on her girlfriend's face, the brown eyes shining with pride, the tight hug, in that perfect fit that she always had, no matter how much she denied it at first, the soft red lips that she loved to kiss so much. ... Karina couldn't explain how it was possible to fall even more in love with Winter Kim, but that's what happened.

- Hey, you zoomed out. - The brunette says, snapping her fingers in front of her face.

- I'm sorry... what did you say?

- How did your parents react? Did they return your letter?

- They are happy for me, but I still haven't told them that I will have to leave England during the season.

- Have you... ever thought about how we're going to manage? - She asks, looking away.

- I thought we'd see each other on the weekends, you can spend some time at the team's accommodation with me...

- I already told you that I will buy you an apartment, I will not leave my girlfriend in a dorm.

- Winter, you were the one who lived in the mansion. - Karina laughs. - I lived in a trailer before moving to a house you know, I'm used to it, love. And I adapt easily.

- But I want the best for you, I want you to have comfort, in a space to call yours. - Kim replies, with a pout on her lips.

- I'm thinking it's you who doesn't want to stay in the accommodation.

- Well, maybe... - Karina laughs, shaking her head. - What if I go to Wales with you? I can be an Auror there... Hermione already said that they are having some problems with dark wizards in the country.

- Winter Kim, are you telling us to live together? - Karina stops walking, pulling the brunette close, containing a smile.

- Speaking with those words makes me sound emotional... but yes? - Kim looks away, closing them, and biting her lower lip, sighing.

- I think it's a great idea.

Winter opens her eyes at the same moment, looking at her girlfriend.

- Are you serious?

- If you have your job, I will have mine... I think we can make our lives together in Wales.

The older girl smiles, hugging her girlfriend and spinning her in the air before kissing her calmly, so that Karina could feel how happy she was with that idea.

- Hey, couple, school is not the place for that. - Renjun jokes and Winter just gives him the middle finger, which makes the boy laugh.


The boy follows the path he was taking to the library, returning the book he had taken out in the first year and never returned. The librarian looked at him seriously and he just smiled without showing his teeth, shrugging his shoulders. He looks towards the back of the room, seeing that Ning and Aeri were sitting at a table. Ning was reading a book while the Japanese just watched her girlfriend with a smirk. Renjun shakes his head in the negative, he wasn't going to disturb their moment and decides to go to his community to write a letter to her girlfriend, Wonyoung, letting her know that he had made the decision and wouldn't live with her, as she had suggested, but that he would like to keep the relationship the way it was, he just didn't feel ready to take such a big step in his life like that.

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