Chapter 25 - The First Quest.

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Winter could barely sleep at night; she had no idea what the quest could be. She was tempted to ask Ted if he knew something, but it wasn't fair. The brunette got up before dawn, following the path strictly to the astronomy tower, she would see the sun rise from up there.

- Damn, do you live here? – Kim asks and Karina laughs, shrugging her shoulders.

- Only when necessary. It's the first autumn morning, I like the weather.

The brunette approaches the blonde and leans on the windowsill, waiting for the first rays of sunlight to appear. She remembered Yoo's despair when she hung her out of the window and laughed softly, but it was enough to catch the attention of the girl with blonde hair, who frowned.

- What was it?

- Just remembering your panic when I hung you here.

- You are ridiculous. - Karina says, laughing. - You know I hate you, don't you?

- Yes, I know. - She replies, shrugging her shoulders. As much as it was a mix of feelings, Winter understood that she would always be hated by Yoo, and the same thing happened to her, but another feeling was starting to override everything. - Can I ask you a question?

- Sure. - The shorter one looks at the brunette, but Winter's eyes were on the horizon, analyzing the darkness.

- I was your first kiss, wasn't I?

Karina is mentally grateful that the brunette isn't looking at her, as she blushes heavily and widens her eyes. Before answering, she turns her attention to the dark, to the mountains, from where the sun would emerge in a few minutes.

- Yeah... well... you were. - She says, scratching the back of her head.

Winter smiles sideways, she would like to be sure about this information.

- Did you like it?

Karina was completely embarrassed by the questions, she didn't know how to reply, nor how to stop blushing. Winter followed the girl's reactions in her peripheral vision.

- The kiss or the fact that it was with you? - Karina asks.

- From the kiss, I know you wouldn't want me to be your first. - The statement made her chest hurt.

To tell the truth, Karina couldn't imagine her first kiss with Winter Kim, but now she couldn't imagine anything other than what it was.

- I liked the kiss, Win. - She says and closes her eyes tightly, feeling her cheeks burn and Winter's gaze on her. She didn't need to look to know that the brunette had a smug smile on her face. When she opened her eyes again, she didn't dare look at the girl next to her. - Look, the sun is starting to rise.

Winter took her eyes off the girl with blonde hair and turned to the horizon, where the first rays of sun began to appear behind the mountains. The brunette sighed, smiling. After the sun has completely risen, the two girls look at each other. Kim felt her heart accelerate with Karina's face close to hers, their eyes connected, an entire galaxy orbiting in her chocolate-colored gaze. Karina now felt tempted to kiss the girl again, her heart hammered in her chest, Ryujin's voice resonated in her mind, saying that she was falling in love with Winter Kim. No, it couldn't be... could it?

The blonde jumps back and takes a deep breath, Winter does the same.

- Good luck with the first quest, I'm sure you'll need it. - Karina says, heading towards the exit of the tower.

- Wait, you could give me something to wish me good luck, right? - Winter says, biting her lower lip.

- Like what? - The lowest question, confused.

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