Chapter 22 - The Declaration.

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How do you apologize? Winter wasn't used to this, in her family, they just followed the routine and knew everything was fine, but she had really upset her best friend, she needed to apologize.

After breakfast, Winter entered her dorm, where Aeri was packing her trunk to return home for vacation. The brunette didn't move, she just stayed in the corner of the room, watching the Japanese pack her things. Uchinaga was already impatient with the girl's gaze.

- What is it?

Kim opened her mouth to respond, but nothing came out of her lips.

- Riri, I... about yesterday... I wanted... you know...

Aeri stared at her best friend, waiting for her to continue, but all the brunette said were loose words.

- Are you trying to say that I'm right about your feelings about the girl with blonde hair from Gryffindor?

- No, not that. - Winter replies, shaking her head in a bold negative manner. - I'm sorry, okay? I shouldn't have spoken to you like that, I was rude, I could have stayed quiet.

- Okay, I know you well enough to know you were defensive. – Uchinaga replies, shrugging her shoulders.

- Do you still want to be my best friend? - The brunette asks, looking at the floor and Aeri laughs heartily.

- As much as it hurt to hear you say that I didn't really take it to heart... I'm going to be your best friend until the end, Winter, I think I'll only stop being your friend if you kill someone in my family... and depending on the relative, I'd help you hide the body.

Kim laughs and so does the Japanese, walking towards the brunette and hugging her tightly.

After all the students were ready, they went to board the Hogwarts Express. Winter spotted Karina with her trunk and pointed her wand at the object.

- Wingardium Leviosa.

Karina's trunk began to float, Winter laughed while the youngest tried to reach it at all costs. Hearing the sound of laughter, Karina looked at Kim, and her face turned red, she just didn't know if she was angry at the situation or embarrassed by last night's kiss. The blonde wondered how she would look into the brunette's eyes again after the challenge chosen by Renjun, but apparently things would be as usual.

- Mortis Locomotor. - The smaller one says, pointing the wand towards the brunette.

Kim's legs come together at the same moment, taking the girl to the ground, but it doesn't hurt her. Aeri, who was next to her, laughed, her eyes filled with tears and went to the girl who had cast the spell on her best friend, giving her a high five.

- You were amazing, Yoo.

- You were supposed to be by my side, Uchinaga. - Kim grumbles after Renjun had undone the spell. Karina had already retrieved her trunk.

- I'm on the side of chaos, and you give me that a lot. - The Japanese replies, shrugging her shoulders and getting on the train, followed by her friends.


Before arriving home, Winter asked the driver before taking her to the mansion to stop by her family's cemetery, she hadn't been there in a while and needed to talk to her brother.

-Hi, New. - She says, sitting next to her twin's grave. - I miss you so much... some things are changing, remember Yoo? The girl I couldn't stand a few months ago. Aeri said I'm falling in love with her... that's crazy, isn't it? She's a Muggle-born, and a little annoying... but she's beautiful, New, and plays Quidditch very well. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if you were here... I think that, at some point, you would become friends, and since I know you, you'd help me to give her hell... or maybe our father would get in the way, and you'd never exchange a word... there are so many questions and uncertainties...

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