Chapter 29 - Amortentia.

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- Finally, my dears, we can meet in another place other than the cemetery. - The king says, smiling at his allies. - It is a pleasure for me and my wife to welcome you to our home to announce that our ascension is closer than we imagined. Everything is heading towards a better world, where we will rule, where those bad-blooded people will be massacred and only the pure-bloods will remain.

The group celebrates, but the queen remains silent.

- Introduce yourself to them, my love.

-Hello everybody. - She says, in a serious tone. - I am the wife of your king.

- And why weren't you with us at the cemetery? Does she believe she is superior to us? - One of the henchmen asks, suspicious.

- In fact, pawn, Taeyeon only discovered today that I am bringing together the remaining Death Eaters again to continue in Lord Voldemort's footsteps. - Joffrey, the king, says, looking at his wife with a smile. - She is the new member of the group and, at the end of the Hogwarts school year, we will have another new addition. My daughter, Winter Kim, will join the Death Eaters with us.

- That won't happen, Winter won't join you. - Taeyeon says at the same time. - She's just a child, Joffrey, she's about to turn fifteen, she shouldn't get into this madness.

- How dare you call the Dark Lord's steps madness? - The same henchman asks, clearly irritated. - My king, I don't think this queen would like to be with us.

- Taeyeon, do you want to leave the Death Eaters? - Joffrey asks and the woman swallows.

- I never agreed with this movement, I never asked to join, and my daughter won't go through with it. - She replies decided. - Winter will have the freedom to choose what she wants, to marry whoever she wants, whether the girl is pureblood, half-blood, Muggle-born or actually a Muggle. My daughter will have the right to be happy, something I have never been able to be since my father swore me to you.

Joffrey had anger in his eyes, so he just turned his back and walked away.

- Take care of it, pawn.

- Avada Kedavra.

Taeyeon's body falls hard to the floor, her eyes open, staring at the ceiling. The woman knew that she would die after denying her daughter from joining the group of death-eaters, she just made sure that she would actually move on to another plane when she uttered the truths that had been in her throat for so many years, despite her wanting to have said much more... Her life was taken, she just hoped that her sacrifice would not be in vain.


Workers from the Ministry of Magic were at Hogwarts to find out the last spell on each wand in order to find who killed Hwang Hyunjin. Karina watched closely as the Minister for Magic, Hermione Granger, checked all the students' wands.

- She looks like Emma Watson. - Karina whispers to her friends.

- Who? - Ryujin asks.

- Emma Watson, an actress from the Muggle world. - Ning explains. - And yes, they really are very similar. That woman was my first love...

Karina looks around the Great Hall, finding Winter in the corner, arms crossed, waiting.

- I'll be right back. - The one with blonde hair says, moving away from the group of friends and approaching Winter. - Are you in trouble?

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