Chapter 20 - Capture the Flag.

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It was the penultimate day of school; Ted was looking forward to teaching this class to the third year. He had prepared a "capture the flag" game where students could put everything they learned in his classes into practice, as well as have fun.

- Winter, can we talk? - Jeon Somi asks the brunette when she was going to Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

- Does it need to be now? I have a class with Professor Lupin.

- I promise to be quick.

Winter sighs but nods and follows the girl to a far corner. She leaves a kiss on Somi's lips, but the contact is quickly broken, which makes the girl look at her without understanding.

- Did I do something wrong?

- No, that's not it... - the Canadian girl says, taking a deep breath. She had made the decision, but it still wasn't easy for her to talk about it with the girl who had won her over. - I think we better stop here.

- Then what is it?

Somi sighs, looking at Winter's delicate features. Damn, she was beautiful, Somi would miss being with the brunette.

- Whatever we're having, whatever it really is, I think it's best to end it.

- What? Why? - The brunette really didn't understand.

- Let's be honest, Winter, you don't feel for me what I feel for you.

- You can't say what I feel or stop feeling.

- I know, but I can decide that what you feel, whatever it is, is not enough for me. I never wanted to get attached, but you showed up... and it sucks to look at you and see your eyes shining at another girl, no matter how much you deny it, I can see that you're liking someone else, because it's not me. - Winter didn't know what to answer. -she knew she didn't really like Somi, but being dumped was no less painful.

- Okay, I have no idea who you're talking about. - Yes, she knew. - But if you prefer it that way, that's fine. - Do you think we can still be friends? Despite everything, it's been an incredible few months with you, Winter.

- I'd say the same, Somi, and I think we can be friends.

The girls hug, a little awkwardly, and Winter heads to her defense against the dark arts class, which luckily wasn't late, or the teacher would deduct five points from her.

- Somi broke up with me. - The brunette whispers to her best friend, who opens her eyes wide and looks at her.

- My Merlin, how are you? Do you want me to jinx Somi?

- It's okay, I think...

The Japanese hugs the brunette and leaves a kiss on her cheek, showing support for the girl. It didn't take long until the teacher entered the classroom, with a huge smile on his face.

- Hufflepuff and Gryffindor against Ravenclaw and Slytherin. - The man announces, and the students look at him confused. - The activity will be carried out together with these houses, you will have 20 minutes to develop your strategies to recover the opponent's flag. After the time stipulated by the teacher, the teams followed him out of the castle, Karina breathed in the fresh air and smiled.

- Very well, team with the red flag to the left and the team with the blue flag to the right. - Karina followed her group to the left, as Ted instructed. You can decide where you left the flag when you see red lights going off, it's because the game has started, so do what you decided earlier. The winning team gets fifty points.

Winter's team, which was flying the blue flag, went close to the Quidditch pitch and settled there, waiting for Ted's signal to start the hunt. When they saw the red flag, Winter, Renjun, Ning and other students ran, each going one way, looking for the opposing team's flag.

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