Chapter 28 - The Winter Ball.

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The night before Christmas, students were running around, all excited about the Yule Ball that was taking place in a few minutes.

- Damn, Karina, you look beautiful. - Yeji says when she sees her friend go down the dormitory stairs and join the other students in the Gryffindor commons.

Karina was wearing a white suit, but instead of wearing a t-shirt under her blazer, she was just wearing a black lacy bra. In her coat pocket, there was a red flower.

 - You don't look bad yourself. – Karina replies with a smile.

- Just wait until you see Ryujin.

- Talking about me?

The girl goes down the stairs and Yeji's jaw drops as she looks at the girl of her dreams. Ryujin wore a long blue satin dress that showed off her curves.
- You look wonderful, Ryu. - The girl says, smiling, still a little dazed.

- You too, Yeddeong.

The trio leaves the common and goes to the entrance to the Main Hall. Jeno was wearing a dark blue suit and a yellow flower in his pocket, he smiled and extended his arm to Ryujin, who fit it and they went into the place where the party had already started. Yeji approaches Ning, who was wearing a pink dress, and they also enter.

- If I had known you would come in a suit, I would have come in a dress. - Taemin whispers close to Karina's ear, which makes her laugh and look at her friend, who was wearing a burgundy suit. - Let's go?

The pair entered the almost packed hall, everyone was dressed in suits and dresses.

- Is it serious that Ning came with Yeji? - Aeri asks, making a face. - What does she have that I don't have?

- I don't know. - Renjun responds, shrugging. - But don't worry about it, Aeri, you look beautiful, you'll catch your girl's attention.

The Japanese smiled and looked at her body, the shiny silver dress really stood out. Renjun was wearing all black, including the T-shirt that, on the other boys, was white.

After a few minutes, Minerva McGonagall announced the entrance of the school champions.

Jang Wonyoung led the way accompanied by a Durmstrang final year boy, she wore a matte silver dress while her date wore a red outfit, like all students at the Institute, almost a formal uniform. Right behind them, Felix and Jeon Somi, the Canadian girl wore a beautiful sky-blue swirly dress. Finally, Winter Kim and Kim Minji.

Karina's mouth opens when she sets eyes on the brunette, she looked beautiful in the long red dress, with a slight opening on her left leg. Yoo realized that everyone in that room only had eyes for the Hogwarts champion, she believed that Kim had never looked so beautiful. Minji was wearing a simple green dress, the girl with blonde hair noticed, but soon her eyes returned to the brunette, who was smiling and delicately taking Minji's hand and her waist, to start the waltz.

After two hours of partying, the band Weird Sisters started their show, all the students sang the songs and had fun.

- I'm going to go get some punch, do you want that too? - Kim asks her companion, who nods. - Stay here, I'll be right back.

As soon as she gets closer, she sees that Yoo was there and smiles. She wouldn't admit it out loud, but her eyes had been searching for the blonfde-streaked Gryffindor girl all night.

When she notices the brunette's presence, Karina stops herself from sighing too loudly around her.

- You know, I hate to admit this, but you're making history, Kim. - Karina says, taking a sip of the punch and looking at the brunette. -A girl, champion of Hogwarts, taking another girl to prom... People hadn't seen anything like this before.

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