Chapter 2 - First day of school.

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- This is the Gryffindor common room. - An older girl, house monitor, introduced the place. - The password is amortentia , I will let you know when it changes again.

- Do I need to memorize this? - Karina asks Ryujin.

Ryujin is a pureblood, that is, she knew more about Hogwarts than she did, as she had never heard about it.

- Yes, or go sleep in the hallway. -She says quietly and Karina sighs, at least she had a good memory.

- Don't wander the corridors after dinner, Filch doesn't like it. - The monitor boy says, with a crooked smile.

- Filch is the janitor, and take care of Peeves, the Poltergeist. - The complete monitor. - He does a lot.

- Now, let's go into the common room. - The boy says approaching the painting. - Amortentia.

The woman portrayed turned and made room for them to pass, Karina was enchanted by the place, it was all so... magical.

After a few minutes just analyzing the Gryffindor common room, Kim decided to go to sleep, going up to the dormitory that, luckily, she shared with Ryujin and three other girls.


- Potions, herbology and spells. -Karina reads to Taemin what she would have on the first morning of school.

- Potions is with Professor Slughorn, he is the head of Slytherin house. Herbology is with Professor Longbottom, and Charms is with Professor Flitwick, Headmaster of Ravenclaw. - Taemin explains, smiling at his friend. - Many classes you will have with people from other houses, in rare moments it will just be yours in a room. I think it's better to go, Rina. The potions room is in the dungeon.

Karina's eyes widened at the information, wondering why there were dungeons in a school, but she followed the informed direction, soon meeting Ryujin on the way, walking next to the girl who kept sharing curiosities that she had read in "Hogwarts: A Story".

As soon as they arrived in the room, Slughorn smiled at them, he was waiting for the

- Good morning teacher. - They say, returning the smile to the oldest.

It didn't take long for the room to be practically full, there was only one empty table. Karina and Ryujin were talking animatedly, but Yoo's smile faltered when she saw Winter Kim enter the room, next to a brunette girl, who she remembered her name was Aeri Uchinaga.

- Good morning girls. - The teacher greets with a smile.

- Good morning. - They reply, sitting side by side at the remaining table.

- Alright, let's start our class. I will teach you the main ingredients of the potions that we will make over the years.

Slughorn continued his explanations, until he held something up and showed it to the

- That's a bezoar. Does anyone know what it is for? - The teacher asked and only one student raised his hand. - Miss Kim.

- The bezoar serves as an antidote to various poisons, professor.

Winter had been studying to be a great witch since she was little, she knew about many subjects in the wizarding world, she was proud to know the answer to the teacher's question, and she hoped that her father would be too when he found out.

- Very well, ten points for Slytherin. - He says, with a smile. - Before the class ends, I would like to know a little about you and what your goals are with what you will learn in the seven years you will be here studying at Hogwarts.

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