Chapter 45 - The Vacations.

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The Hogwarts Express stops at King Cross Station and students get off and pass through the magical platform. Winter waits for Ted on the other side, he was always the last to leave, she looks for Victoire, but doesn't find her, which makes her worried. Had something happened to the girl?

Ted Lupine appears at her side, shaking his blue hair that had water residue on the brunette, who complains and walks away, scowling at the older man.

- It's fault of the Ravenclaws who ended the school year at Hogwarts. - Ted says, laughing. - Let's go home. Vic didn't come?

- No, did she warn you something?

- Well, she sent an owl yesterday, but as I was going to see her today, I left the letter aside. - The man replies, shrugging his shoulders. - Let's see what happened.

The two teleport to the house they lived in, entering with a smile, but it dies when they see Victoire with messy hair and a look of unfriendliness, with her arms crossed and red with anger.

- Eduardo Remus Lupin, where have you been? - The girl asks, the vein in her forehead standing out.

- At Hogwarts. Winter, tell her I'm not leaving school, come on, talk. - The man says, placing the student in front of him, leaving her between him and his girlfriend.

- He really didn't leave school; he knows that I prefer you and wouldn't hide anything. - The girl says and is lightly pinched by the blue-haired one, which makes her grimace.

- I sent you a letter, Ted... - Vic says, sighing. – Didn't you read it?

- I was going to arrive today, what... - the man's voice dies when he sees his father-in-law there and he swallows hard, looking at his girlfriend. - Something happened? How is the baby?

Ted approaches and puts his hand on the brunette's belly, which slaps him on the arm.

- He's not there anymore, if you had read the damn letter, you would know that our son was born yesterday, and you weren't with me during the birth. I had to call my parents to take me to the hospital.

- Our son was born? - Ted asks, eyes wide. - Merlin...

- Where is he? - Winter asks and Vic nods towards the couple's room. - Can I go there and see him?

- Of course, Winter. - The woman replies, smiling, but looks back at her boyfriend with a serious expression. - If you care and want to see your son now...

Ted had the audacity to laugh and leave a peck on the lips of his girlfriend, who hugged him tightly.

Winter enters the couple's room and sees Fleur with a little package in her arms. The blonde smiles at the youngest and sits on the bed, calling her to come closer. Kim smiles when he sees the little boy with his eyes closed, in a sleep that looked great due to his serene expression.

- Hey, Orion. - The brunette calls him, in a whisper. - Remember me? It's me, Winter. I talked to you a little when your mother slept on the couch.

Slowly, the newborn's eyes open, revealing a light brown color. The youngest of the women puts her right index finger to her pink cheek and caresses it lightly, but soon hears a sniffle next to her and looks at Lupin, who is crying with emotion.

- Hi son. - The man says, bending down to be at the height of the child on his lap. - You are the most beautiful child daddy has ever seen.

Winter looks at Orion again, he had a knee-jerk look, but she wouldn't say that to the child's father or mother. She decides to leave the room, it was more of a family moment, and even though the Weasley-Lupins considered her part, she was not one of them, she continued to be a Kim.

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