Side Order Episode Four: Wide-Open.Floor

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(Start in PEARL and MARINA's real-world bedroom. TIMO is sitting on the bed working on the Dream Box. FRYE sits next to him.)

Timo-There's the problem! The eject command that's supposed to let them leave has been blocked by the administrator.

Frye-But isn't Marina the administrator? Why would she do that?

Timo-That's what I've been trying to figure out. I tried using the diagnostic tool, but it's been stingy with the details. Heck, it should be able to un-block it.

Frye-You told me the diagnostic tool wasn't supposed to make changes to the program.

(TIMO smiles nervously.)


Timo-An efficient diagnostic tool should be able to find problems and solve them, right?

Frye-Why couldn't you unblock it?! You can log in pretending to be Marina and just click whatever little check box allows them to leave, can't you?

(TIMO thinks for a moment.)

Timo-Actually, yeah. I can.

Frye-Finally, one of my angry tirades actually gets us somewhere.

(She reaches into her pocket and takes out a picture of herself, SHIVER, and BIG MAN.)

Frye-I can't wait to go back to Splatsville and see you guys. Then maybe I'll feel normal again.

(Opening theme. Cut to the white Inkopolis Square. BRIDGETT, MONII, PEARL, MARINA, and ACHT are standing outside the Spire of Order.)


(She jumps up and transforms back into her drone body.)

Pearl-Niiiiiice. Don't worry, guys–I got your back.

Marina-Tomo? You're actually choosing to use the drone body?

Pearl-Yeah. I'm travel-sized for your convenience. Now, let's get this show on the road!

(MARINA gets back on her laptop and starts scrolling.)

Marina-Hey, do you have a sec? I've been running some scans. Somehow, Order jacked up the threat level in the Spire as high as it'll go.

Pearl-Why's it gotta go and do that? And what does it mean for us?

(Shot of the tower from below.)

Marina-Well, for one thing, the Spire's suddenly taller, and that's not the worst part. Get splatted even once, and you'll get kicked out of the Spire, and that'll probably happen since enemies hurt more.


Bridgett-Wait, does that mean if either one of us gets splatted, we're both getting the boot?

Monii-Or do we have the chance to revive each other like in Salmon Run?

Pearl-Okay, yeah, I'm seeing some challenges here.

Marina-That said, I built the Memverse to begin with. I don't have to take this sitting down. Now that I'm outside the Spire, I can hack the system, overwrite the changes and lower the difficulty!

Pearl-Whoa, you can do all that?! Glad to have you back on OUR side!

(MARINA does some typing on her computer.)

Marina-And...there. Now, get splatted even twice, and you'll get kicked out of the Spire.

(BRIDGETT and MONII look at each other, then at MARINA.)


Marina-Even you'd have a hard time getting to the top of the Spire, but my hacks should smooth the way. That's the best I can do from here. It'll be up to you to put a stop to Order! One more thing. I can add in more weapons for the two of you to try out.

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