Side Order Episode Eight: Double-Hill.Floor

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(Start in PEARL and MARINA's apartment. TIMO is sitting on the bed texting when FRYE enters.)

Frye-Hey, Timo. Whatcha doin'?

Timo-Texting Father. He used to know Marina, so he might know where she'd keep her stuff.

Frye-Okay. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for lashing out at you like that. You're probably not a creep. If you still want to be friends, though, I'll be right here.


(FRYE leaves. Shot of TIMO's phone. The last text from KEISO reads, "I understand why your mother would be mad, but this is about what *you* want. Have you ever known Frye to be rude or abusive to you?" TIMO writes, "No, and she's so hot, too. I'm worried I might have ruined my chances with her." KEISO replies, "Don't worry. As the champion of rizzing older women, I know just what to do." TIMO writes, "Didn't Mother rizz you first? Isn't that why we're in this predicament?" KEISO writes, "Don't sass me, young man. I might be seven years older than you, but I am your father." Opening theme. Cut to the elevator. The gang is gathered together.)

Acht-Think we're past the Spire's halfway point. This place doesn't let up, does it?

Pearl-How you holding up, guys? You should rest a little before we hit the next floor.

Marina-I'm so sorry you have to go through all this. If only Order hadn't made a way into my mind.

Pearl-Yo, don't feel bad! None of this is your fault, Marina.

Marina-I mean, somewhere deep down, I did wish for a perfect world of peace where nothing had to change. It was a weakness in me that Order took advantage of.

Acht-Lots of people are afraid of change. Even me sometimes.

Marina-You too, Acht?

Pearl-Personally, it's never been in my top ten fears, but I know whatever you wished for, it wasn't THIS. You don't got nothing to apologize for, so dry those eyes! Bridgett, Monii, and me are gonna pump the brakes on Order. Just sit back and enjoy the fireworks!

Marina-But Tomo...Bridgett...Monii...No! I can't just sit back. I'm going to do whatever I can to help fix this!

Acht-Good. With all of us pitching in, we'll make this right.

(She takes out three chips: two orange and one blue.)

Acht-Now, take a chip.

Monii-Wow, you're gonna push us right into it?

(Xe sighs and takes an orange chip.)

Acht-That one's Main Range. A good one to have.

(PEARL activates the Palette. MONII puts the chip in. The elevator doors open, and they step onto the sixteenth floor.)

Acht-Destroy the portals!

(They get into the cage, and it carries them onto the floor.)

Pearl-Here goes. Team Chaos rides again!

(They drop onto one of the high walkways surrounding the middle. Jelletons immediately begin jumping out of the portal in the middle.)

Bridgett-Team Chaos?

Pearl-You know, since we're fighting Order, and chaos is the opposite of order. Do you see what I'm getting at?

(They begin firing at the Jelletons from above. Then MONII sees the Jelletons coming towards them.)

Monii-Um, how did they get here?

Bridgett-Bounce pad.

(She points at the bounce pad by the portal.)

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