Episode Nineteen: Turning a Blind Eye

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(Start in Deep Cut's apartment. SHIVER is once again leaning against the living room window looking morose. Snippets of various news reports fade in and out.)

Reporter 1-Tragedy struck at this year's Youth Fan Dancing Competition when renowned dancer Shiver Puuka...

Reporter 2-Fan dancing prodigy Shiver Puuka...

Reporter 3-Sixteen-year-old dancer Shiver Puuka jabbed her left eye with her own fan...

Reporter 2-Nearly gouged her eye out during an exhibition performance at the Youth Fan Dancing Competition...

Reporter 1-In what appears to be an accident. Here we have exclusive footage of her waiting for the ambulance alongside her friend Frye Utsuho.

Reporter 3-The Sona Popori Memorial Hospital has just disclosed information on the recent incident involving fan dancer Shiver Puuka.

Reporter 1-According to the file, her eye was not moved out of place, but doctors found several cuts going completely through the cornea as well as minor cuts on the sclera.

Reporter 2-Replacing the cornea would be difficult as it has been cut into several pieces.

Reporter 1-Fan dancer Shiver Puuka and her family have issued a statement announcing that she will be undergoing surgery...

Reporter 3-Undergoing a procedure to sever the optic nerve in her left eye...

Reporter 2-Despite full knowledge that doing so will cause her to lose sight in that eye...

Reporter 3-Upon learning that the cornea would not be able to heal without major scarring...

Reporter 1-She decided that she would rather go blind...

All Reporters-Than deal with vision problems in the future.

(All the reports fade away. SHIVER sighs. Opening theme. Cut to Mincemeat Metalworks. FRYE and BIG MAN are commentating.)

Frye-Who's ready for some Tower Control at Mincemeat Metalworks?

Big Man-Me!

Frye-Team colors are pink and green!

(BRIDGETT, HIRO, and SPIDER are pink. BRIDGETT has the Clash Blaster. SHUMI and INKURA are green.)

Frye-What do you think about the Clash Blaster on pink, Big Man?

Big Man-(booth) Hm...It crayons in is covered looks like.

Frye-(booth) Actually, never mind.

Big Man-Ready...

Frye/Big Man-Go!

(The players launch onto the arena. BRIDGETT fires ahead of her and swims forward.)

Frye-I think the Clash Blaster makes a very nice sound. PA PA PA PA PA!

Big Man-(booth) Frye, stop! You me on saliva are getting!

(BRIDGETT jumps into the center. She swims up onto the bridge. She fires at INKURA, who is on the ground. SPIDER splats her instead. BRIDGETT sees an E-Liter in the distance and hides. A curling bomb slides past her. She throws a bomb at the E-Liter and misses.)


(The E-Liter misses her.)

Frye-So...is anyone gonna get the tower?

(BRIDGETT swims forward and throws another bomb, splatting the E-Liter.)

Bridgett-Yeah! I got 'em!

Big Man-Green the tower has.

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