Episode Twenty-Six: Ranking Up!

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(Start in SquidForce Tower. HIRO, BRIDGETT, SHUMI, SPIDER, and INKURA are coming down the stairs.)

Hiro-Wow, you really botched that one.

Bridgett-I didn't lose. I merely failed to win.

Shumi-You were holding your Trizooka backward.

Bridgett-SHUT UP!

Inkura-Yeah. Cut some slack, guys. She's only one battle away from ranking up to A-. Isn't that great?

Bridgett-Yeah! This time, I'm gonna rank up for sure!

Spider-Why do we have to come back downstairs every time we wanna do another battle?

Zaki-What, do you think you should be able to register for a battle on your phone? It doesn't work that way.

Spider-The future is now, old lady!

Zaki-Hm...I'll forward that suggestion to the app development team, but for now, get back in that battle pot, young man.


(He steps into the battle pot.)

Spider-Remember when the Turf League was fresh?

Bridgett-That reminds me! Dr. Etsu was kidnapped!


Hiro-I'm sorry. Who?

(Opening theme. Cut to Scorch Gorge. FRYE and BIG MAN are commentating.)

Frye-Today we're gonna do some of the blitz...with the clams...oh, I messed it up, didn't I?

Big Man-Team colors yellow and purple are.

(BRIDGETT, INKURA, and HIRO are purple. BRIDGETT has the Clash Blaster. SPIDER and SHUMI are yellow.)

Bridgett-As I was saying, once he found out he was sabotaged, he went to call Alterna to ask for his job back, and--


Bridgett-Wait! I'm not ready!

Frye/Big Man-Go!

(The players launch onto the arena. BRIDGETT, not having octoformed beforehand, lands on the ground with a thwack.)

Frye-(booth) Did Bridgett forget to octoform?

Big Man-(booth) She before the battle a lot was talking. Maybe she wasn't paying attention.

(BRIDGETT gets up and starts swimming to the left. She turns around and fires behind her. She swims forward and jumps into the center.)

Frye-Yellow leads in clams three to two, but the battle's still young. There's no telling who could win.

(BRIDGETT inks up the side of the pillar and swims up. She picks up a clam. She starts firing at the ground. She throws a bomb.)

Bridgett-Whoops. I did not mean to do that.

(She jumps to the ground and reloads. The bomb splats a boy with a Sloshing Machine.)

Big Man-Yuto there goes, anyway.

(BRIDGETT begins firing at a boy with an Undercover Brella. He opens his shield. He forms a power clam behind him.)

Frye-First power clam of the day goes to the yellow team.

(BRIDGETT reloads and throws a bomb. She swims to the landing on the left. The boy has dropped his power clam. His shield is still open. BRIDGETT fires at him from the side and splats him.)


(SHUMI starts firing at her from above.)

Bridget-Oh no no no!

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