Episode Twenty-Three: Outside Alterna

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(Start in Splatsville Square. BRIDGETT, HIRO, and SHUMI are walking up the stairs to SquidForce Tower. HIRO is staring at SHUMI. SHUMI notices.)

Shumi-Okay, why are you staring at me like that?


Shumi-I swear, everyone's been acting real weird around me since yesterday. First Spider, now you...

Bridgett-Yeah, Hiro. Give her some space. Spider and Inkura are off at the psychiatrist's office, Zaki's given us the day off from exploring Alterna, and now it's time to have some fun!

Shumi-The day off?

Bridgett-Yeah. She said she doesn't want us going in with just the two of us.

Shumi-We can go in with just the two of us. Heck, I can go in by myself. Whatever lets us rescue Keiso faster.


Hiro-Something about parenting advice. His son is the same age as Yanghai.

Bridgett-Oh, right...

(They walk through the door to SquidForce Tower.)

Bridgett-Hold on right there.

(She runs to the locker room. HIRO and SHUMI look at ZAKI.)

Shumi-So you're giving us the day off, huh?


Shumi-You pulled us out of Splatfest and then gave us the day off on a normal day?

Zaki-What? We don't want you going in there without sufficient backup.

(SHUMI sighs and crosses her arms. BRIDGETT re-enters with an Aerospray MG.)

Zaki-You didn't...steal that from Inkura, did you?

Bridgett-No! I bought it! Now, c'mon! It's time for the best day off ever!

(She runs to the battle pot. Opening theme. Cut to MakoMart. FRYE and BIG MAN are commentating.)

Frye-We're going to MakoMart for another round of Splat Zones!

Big Man-Team colors pink and green are.

(BRIDGETT and HIRO are pink. SHUMI is green.)

Bridgett-Is there something you've been meaning to tell Shumi?

(HIRO turns away.)



Frye/Big Man-Go!

(The players launch onto the arena. The pink team fires forward and swims toward the zone.)

Frye-And they're off! Man, they got to that zone real quick!

(Both teams start firing on the zone.)

Big Man-The zone first going to get is who?

Frye-I dunno. It's getting to be neck and neck. (booth) Just kidding, it's pink!

(BRIDGETT swims back.)

Frye-Okay, whoops. Pink lost control after four whole seconds.

(BRIDGETT steps back into the zone.)

Frye-No, wait! Pink is back in control!

(BRIDGETT covers some green just shy of the zone. Her special finishes charging.)

Frye-Looks like Bridgett's about to use her special weapon: the Reefslider!

(BRIDGETT turns on her Reefslider and slides across the zone and splats SHUMI.)

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