Episode Twelve: The Eel Deal!

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(Start in the lobby of SquidForce Tower. BRIDGETT enters holding a REEF-LUX 450. SPIDER, INKURA, SHUMI, and HIRO are waiting for him.)

Zaki-Well well well. What's that you got there?

Bridgett-It's a REEF-LUX 450.

Zaki-That was a rhetorical question.

Shumi-I co-designed it with Hiro's dad. It was originally going to fire 450 shots in one ink tank, but then we realized it would be super weak that way. The number still stuck, though.

Hiro-Are you sure you're ready for another Stringer? I mean, you could barely handle the Tri-Stringer.

Bridgett-This one's lighter, so maybe it'll be better.

Hiro-Alright, but if you want to get good at the REEF-LUX, there's one thing you have to master.

Bridgett-What's that?

Hiro-The missile spam.

(Cut to Inkblot Art Academy. SHIVER is commentating.)

Shiver-Frye was unable to make it today, so I will be covering this Turf War by myself. The team colors are yellow and purple.

(BRIDGETT, SHUMI, and HIRO are purple. SPIDER and INKURA are yellow.)

Shiver-The purple team has two Stringers, a Tri and a REEF-LUX. Let's see if that'll get 'em the win. Ready...go!

(Opening theme. The players launch onto the arena. BRIDGETT runs all the way to the left. She launches a curling bomb and then starts covering the walkway. She lands a few shots on the ledge next to her and swims up.)

Shiver-I think I've already talked about the Stringer's unexpected potential as a turfing weapon, but if you think the Tri-Stringer is fast, the REEF-LUX is even faster.

(BRIDGETT turns around and starts covering home base. She makes her way to the right. Her special finishes charging.)

Shiver-And once you've covered all that turf, you can unleash the deadly Tenta Missiles.

(BRIDGETT gets out her Tenta Missiles and aims them at the enemy side, trying to get multiple people in the reticle. She fires to the right.)

Shiver-It's such a problem that the League is considering adding a cooldown to the missiles.

(BRIDGETT swims forward and covers a bare spot to the left. Then she covers a bare spot to the right.)

Bridgett-Sheesh. Why is everyone ignoring this spot? I have to do everything around here.

(She jumps down to the last ledge before the center. She hits the bottom of the ramp. Her special finishes charging.)

Shiver-See? This is what I was talking about. She has more missiles already.

(BRIDGETT finds someone on the right landing. She takes out her Tenta Missiles and fires at them. As it turns out, the someone is INKURA, BRIDGETT realizes as she gets closer.)

Shiver-Tenta Missiles are only good at splatting people who can't run, but they're great at scrambling the other team if you aim 'em in the right spot.

(BRIDGETT aims at INKURA as she runs away. She gets one hit. INKURA turns back around and runs onto the landing. BRIDGETT keeps shooting. INKURA disappears into the corner of the landing. BRIDGETT starts covering the landing instead. She reloads and throws a curling bomb. She pulls back and hits a yellow kid with an Inkbrush.)

Bridgett-That's a hit!

(INKURA starts covering the landing again. BRIDGETT fires at her. She keeps firing and missing. That's when SPIDER runs around the corner.)

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