Episode Sixteen: Crab Tank!

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(Start in Deep Cut's apartment. SHIVER sits in the living room with her head leaned against the window. Her fan hangs from her hand.)

Shiver-A hungry blade, a sharp grin in a wild warrior's hand. It bites just once—a flash, a slash, a sudden shudder. Shredded remains sink down, down, down like falling snow. A fleeting flurry, brief as life itself, falls around my closed fan.

(FRYE enters from her bedroom.)

Frye-Shiver, are you alright?

(SHIVER glares at her.)


Frye-Sheesh. I was just trying to show a little sympathy.

Shiver-I don't need sympathy. I just don't get why I'd get so many votes now.

(FRYE gets out her phone.)

Frye-I might have the answer to that. There's been this campaign on Inkster called "2 For Shiver." People who usually vote for me or Big Man have been teaming up to get you your second win in a row. You know, since you've never had a win streak.

Shiver-So all they care about is winning?

Frye-I mean, they care about you winning. I thought that would make you happy.

(SHIVER sighs.)

Shiver-I don't know what'll make me happy anymore.

Frye-There are probably also some simps for you.

Shiver-Yeah, I thought so.

Frye-Well, I better get going. Big Man is probably waiting for me.

(She turns toward the door.)

Shiver-What, you're not gonna follow that up with a "have fun being banned"?

(FRYE sneers at her.)

Frye-No. I'm not as rude as you.

(She leaves. Opening theme. Cut to Scorch Gorge. FRYE and BIG MAN are commentating.)

Frye-Since Shiver's been banned from the news again, please welcome Big Man back to the booth!

Big Man-This Scorch Gorge on a Turf War is. The team colors pink and teal are.

(BRIDGETT, INKURA, and HIRO are teal. BRIDGETT has the Splat Dualies. SPIDER and SHUMI are pink.)

Big Man-(booth) I here in the booth being like.

Frye-(booth) Don't get too comfortable. This is a temporary gig.

Big Man-Ready...

Frye/Big Man-Go!

(The players launch onto the arena. BRIDGETT covers the home base starting on the left, then moving to the right and back to the left. She jumps to the next ledge down. She swims forward as she fires. Then she jumps down into the middle. A Fizzy Bomb lands to her right.)

Frye-It looks like pink is already making a push for teal's home base. (booth) Sort of. It's one Fizzy Bomb.

(BRIDGETT runs up and covers the part the Fizzy Bomb landed on. Her special finishes charging. She swims up onto the platform overlooking the center.)

Bridgett-Crab Tank!

(She activates her Crab Tank.)

Big Man-(booth) Whoa! That is what?

Frye-(booth) What where?

(BRIDGETT shoots a pink girl with an Aerospray on the central pillar, splatting her.)

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