Side Order Episode Ten: Dizzying_Unstable-Footing(Bounce-Pad).Floor

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(Start in PEARL and MARINA's apartment. TIMO is sitting on the bed looking down at the Dream Box forlornly and stroking it with his finger. FRYE enters.)

Frye-Um...Timo, what's going on?

Timo-Marina just said she doesn't need my help,

Frye-Marina? How are you talking to her?

Timo-Our entire conversations have been relayed through Acht. She's a computer-generated character whom I gave the ability to communicate with us. Marina said, and I quote, "Your help is appreciated, but we'll take it from here."

Frye-Alright then. Everything seems to be under control. I guess we can finally go home!

Timo-Go home?! We've been here for six months trying to get them free. Personally, I will not be satisfied until I see our friends alive and well.

Frye-And I just want to go back to Splatsville and see my friends again.

Timo-The friends whom you're jealous of because they're dating?

Frye-They're still my friends.

Timo-Okay, then. Go home if you want to. Just know that I'll be incredibly lonely.

Frye-You know, you can go home, too. I'm sure your mother misses you.

Timo-And I'm sure she understands that I have a job to do. Now, Acht said there was an AI named Order messing with the program. Let's see if I can find any traces of it.

(FRYE groans and leaves the room. Opening theme. Cut to the elevator. ACHT has three chips: one turquoise, one purple, and one green.)

Acht-We've got Drone Splat Bomb with a bonus, Splat Ink Recovery with danger, and Drone Battery Drop. The choice is yours.

Bridgett-I think we better steer clear of that danger level. Those have always been dicey.

Monii-I don't know. That ink recovery is sounding pretty good right about now.

Pearl-But I can get more splat bombs and a bonus! What's not to love?

Monii-Let's do the ink recovery.


(She hands the purple chip to MONII.)

Acht-Don't say I didn't warn ya.

(PEARL activates the Palette. MONII puts the chip in. The elevator doors open, and they step onto the twenty-third floor.)

Acht-Destroy the portals!

Marina-With stronger Jelletons and Arpeggio barrage.

Bridgett-Marina, what's an Arpeggio barrage?

Pearl-We're gonna be fighting for our lives the whole time here. Hope you're ready guys!

(They get into the cage anyway, and it carries them onto the floor. They drop in front of the middle portal as Jelletons spawn from it. They begin shooting at the portal.)

Bridgett-Die die die die die die die!

(They notice the Jelletons bouncing into the air.)

Monii-Um, is there something off about these Jelletons?

Bridgett-This isn't about the Jelletons.

(Zoom out on the entire floor. It's almost entirely covered in bounce pads.)

Bridgett-It's about the floor.

(One Jelletons bounces directly onto BRIDGETT, breaking her armor.)

Marina-Oh no! Bridgett, are you okay?

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