Side Order Episode Twelve: Control Room_Redux (Side Order/Series Finale)

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(Start in PEARL and MARINA's apartment. TIMO and FRYE are both sitting on the bed with the Dream Box in front of them.)

Frye-So you're at the top floor of this "Spire of Order"? You're ready to face Order?

(Cut to the elevator. The entire gang is gathered together. MONII is in the corner drumming out beats on the Palette.)

Acht-Yep. I'm going to keep an eye out from here on the elevator.

(Cut back to the apartment.)

Timo-And we'll keep an eye out here on the outside. (to FRYE) I bet you're feeling glad we stuck around.

Frye-Shut up.

(Cut back to the elevator.)

Acht-Well, it was a pleasure having you–

(MONII presses another chip.)

Acht-It was a pleasure having you to–

(MONII presses a different chip. ACHT shoots xem a glare.)

Monii-Sorry. This is just really fun to play with.

(ACHT sighs.)

Acht-Anyway, it was a pleasure having you to help us out.

Timo-And it was a pleasure having you to talk to.

Monii-What's the orange do?

(Xe presses on an orange chip.)


(Everyone looks at xem as xe keeps messing around. Xe notices.)

Monii-Sorry! I'm having so much fun. I'm distracting myself because I'm ultimately very scared.

(Xe puts away the Palette.)

Bridgett-This is the moment of truth. Here we go.

(The elevator doors open. BRIDGETT grabs onto MONII's hand as they walk out, followed by PEARL and MARINA. Opening theme. Cut to the thirtieth floor. They look around at the scenery: the black tentacles extending from the stage in front of them, the TV screens on the walls.)

Bridgett-Oh boy. This looks really swell. Oh my Gods. Are you kidding me? You could not have made a more foreboding room.

(They get in the cage, and it carries them towards the floor. They see ORDER waiting for them.)

Pearl-Yo, look! It's Order!

(They drop onto the front of the stage.)

Order-A perfect world is a stable world. It has no need for change. For variation. It has no need for desire. For conflict. In this world, none desire what might be. They embrace what is. Their lives are peaceful ones. We will achieve a quiet and peaceful world. Reasons to oppose this include: ...ERROR. No reasons found.

Pearl-Is that the best you've got? If you're going to present an argument, at least have a rebuttal for any counterarguments. Anyone's who's been to high school knows that!

Marina-I can't deny that a chaotic world is an unstable one. That uncertainty can tire you out or make you scared of what tomorrow might bring. There've been times when I wished everything could stay the same forever. Sometimes, when colors clash and mix, you end up with mud, but every now and then, you get to see a beautiful rainbow.

Monii-Literally! For years, I tried to force myself into the boxes of "masculine" or "feminine," but now that I've gotten to experiment with the color chips, I can make myself any gender I want to be! A little bit of chaos control, if you will.

Pearl-And who's to say the dust isn't gonna settle? I might have thought I was less of a person when I lost my fingers, but look at me now! I've lost even more body parts, and I'm still me!

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