Side Order Episode One: First.Floor

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(Start in PEARL and MARINA's apartment in the real world. PEARL, MARINA, BRIDGETT, and MONII are all seated against the wall, the Dream Box's headsets still on their heads. TIMO is sitting on the bed tinkering with the Dream Box. FRYE enters from the living room.)

Frye-Alright, Timo. What's your progress?

Timo-I think I'm ready to get this thing running again.

Frye-Really? Awesome!

Timo-Here's the plan: I've deleted all memory-based data from the system. Except for Bridgett's. Bridgett's were password protected for some reason, but other than that, all memory-based data. Once I turn this on, it'll discover that it doesn't have enough data to create a world out of it, the system will crash, and boom. Our friends are free.

Frye-You're going to intentionally crash the system? We brought you here to fix it!

Timo-Marina knows more about this machine than I do. Once she's out of here, she can help me fix anything I couldn't alone.

Frye-Okay, fine. Let's try your plan.

(She sits on the bed and takes a deep breath.)

Frye-It's been six months since you two were trapped in this stupid thing. Shiver and Big Man moved back to Splatsville shortly after it shut down. In fact, everyone seems to have given up on you, but I haven't. Timo hasn't. Neither have Spider and Inkura. Now, all our hard work is going to pay off. Today is the day we finally bring you home. Timo, turn on the machine.

(TIMO nods. He presses the on switch. Zoom in on the Dream Box. Cut to black. Opening theme. Cut to a pure white screen.)

Pearl-(offscreen, from a distance) Heeey!

(A glitchy effect covers the screen, sort of like the green numbers from the Matrix but with yellow Octarian text. The glitchy effect forms into a replica of Inkopolis Square more akin to its appearance in season 2. The glitchy effect is covered up by a pure white exterior with white coral growing in front of the buildings. The camera pans up Deca Tower as the screen continues to glitch.)

Pearl-(offscreen) Heeey! HELLOOOOOOOOOO?! Up and at 'em, guys!

(Fade to white.)

Pearl-(offscreen) Yo, guys! You awake or what?!

(Fade to BRIDGETT and MONII lying face-down on the white sand making up the ground. Their clothes are white, and their tentacles are a dull gray. BRIDGETT slowly lifts herself up, followed by MONII. They start looking around. BRIDGETT looks a little dazed.)

Monii-This is different than the Inkopolis Square I know.

(PEARL flies in with her new adorable little drone body.)

Pearl-Nice. If you hadn't come around, I didn't have a plan B!


Pearl-What's up? I got something on my face?

(She looks at her tiny robot appendages.)

Pearl-Oh, right! You wouldn't recognize me like this.

(She flies up to BRIDGETT.)

Pearl-I'm Tomonari! You know, your bestie!


Pearl-No, for serious! I'm legit Nari! Has the brain coral gotten so bad that you don't even remember me?

Monii-It's cool. She just woke up. Might take some time for her head to clear.

Pearl-Not sure how I got this way, but here I am. Not sure where Marina went, either. She's supposed to be with me. Bridgett, don't tell me you don't remember Marina either.

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