Side Order Episode Five: Vending-Machine Corner

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(Start in PEARL and MARINA's real life apartment. TIMO is on the bed with the Dream Box plugged into his computer. FRYE walks in.)

Frye-Hey, Timo. How goes trying to log in as an administrator?

Timo-Not very well. It says here that I need a password to run the program as an administrator, and I don't know what it is.

Frye-How were you running it before?

Timo-Just as a guest. There's a lot you can do to the program without entering a password. That's not very safe if you ask me. That means anyone can waltz in and make unwanted changes to the program. you.

Timo-My cause is just, okay? Marina's trapped in here, and I need to get her out. Just in case, though, I should apply password protection to the rest of the program.

Frye-And lock yourself out of doing anything that might help them.

Timo-Good idea. I should wait until they're out.

(He reaches to close his laptop, and then he notices something.)


Timo-It looks like one of the things I can do with the password is delete Bridgett's memories. (chuckle) That crash is still possible.

(Opening theme. Cut to the elevator. ACHT is holding three chips, one turquoise and two red. MONII and PEARL are looking over them.)

Pearl-So what's the green one this time?

Acht-Drone Splat Bomb.

Monii-Don't we already have that one?

Pearl-Yeah, but with a second one, I get to drop more splat bombs.

Monii-Pearl, you don't need more splat bombs. What we need is a wider spread of smaller upgrades. That way, we'll be ready for any situation. Let's try this one.

(Xe takes one of the red chips.)

Acht-That one's Ink Damage. I'd say it's fit for any situation.

(PEARL sighs robotically and summons the Palette. MONII puts the chip in. The elevator doors open, and they step onto the fifth floor.)

Acht-Escort the turbine tower.

(They get in the cage, and it carries them onto the floor. They drop down by the turbine tower near the front.)

Bridgett-Oh, it's this little fella!

Monii-Doesn't this floor seem familiar to you?

(BRIDGETT starts firing at the tower.)

Bridgett-What do you mean?

(The platform in the middle starts rising.)

Monii-Do you see that platform rising up blocking your view of the tower?

Acht-You're at checkpoint 1.

(They swim up the platform. They keep firing at the tower as Jelletons come at them via a ramp to the back.)

Monii-And that ramp the Jelletons are going up. This is the exact same floor where we were chasing down those speedy things just yesterday.

(Xe walks around the tower to fire at the Jelletons.)

Bridgett-That can't be possible. That was on the second floor, and now we're on the fifth.

Acht-Maybe it's because this is a digital replica of the Spire of Order, not the real deal. It can just duplicate testing grounds if it wants to.

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