Episode Twenty-Eight: Return of the Mammalians (Season 3 Finale)

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(Start at the Splatoon camp. TIMO is playing a voice recording of MR. GRIZZ on his tablet.)

Grizz-(voice-only) You know what, the whole world shouldn't have to suffer because of me. But I should have enough ooze ready to give your continent the hair treatment. I hope you're ready to watch your octo-buddies burn, you traitor.

Marie-He's mad at the computer? Looks like I have my answer. He's incredibly petty. I think it's pretty clear that we have to get into that rocket somehow. Are you ready to try this?


Mikado-Are you sure?

Shumi-Sure am! Let's go!

Zaki-This is your final confirmation. Are you really, super-ultra-mega sure you're ready?

Spider-For the last time, we're READY!

(MIKADO points at the top of the rocket.)

Mikado-Alright. Keiso has to be up there somewhere, but there's too much Fuzzy Ooze in the way.

Marie-Even Yanghai isn't THAT hungry. Um...

(They look back at the treasure.)

Marie-I just know this would be useful somehow if we could combine it all.

Mikado-It's totally worth a shot. Let's do it! By the power of chowder...COMBINE!

(Montage of MIKADO, MARIE, and ZAKI putting the treasure together. They wind up with a bunch of blades connecting to an engine and two handles.)

Mikado-Wow! Look out, fuzz. Here comes the Captain!

(ZAKI points at herself.)

Zaki-Uh, me?

Marie-Yeah. You've been talking about wanting to do something in this group. Now's your chance. OK, Zaki. Go!


(She stands up.)

Zaki-I'll do something.

(She walks to the apparatus.)

Zaki-I'm going to make something of my life.

(She grabs the apparatus by the handles.)

Zaki-And just so you know...

(She lifts the apparatus above her head.)

Zaki-I'm losing the weight!

(She throws the apparatus towards the rocket. She super-jumps to the apparatus and uses it to slash away the Fuzzy Ooze covering the ground, revealing the fake snow beneath it.)

Marie-So smooth. It's smoother than my skin now. No fair!

Mikado-You did it, guys! Now then, smoothness aside, let's save Keiso!

(The younger agents super-jump towards the rocket. Opening theme. Cut to the base of the rocket. The agents are walking closer to the rocket. ZAKI is collapsed on the ground next to the apparatus. MIKADO and MARIE stand over her.)

Mikado-Zak! Zaki! Are you okay?

Zaki-I can't go on. I think I sprained a tentacle.

Marie-Well, we won't let you down. We'll go on without you. C'mon, agents. Let's--

Frye-(offscreen) WAIT ONE HOT MINUTE!

(Shot of Deep Cut behind them, power posing as usual.)

Frye-That's right, it's US!

Bridgett-Deep Cut? I thought you quit!

Shiver-Yes, but we un-quit.

Frye-So if you don't want to tangle with Deep Cut, put down the treasure and walk away.

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