Side Order Episode Eleven: Flying_Springing_Open-Season_Divided.Floor

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(Start in PEARL and MARINA's bathroom. TIMO is sitting on the bed with his computer and the Dream Box.)

Timo-It's no use. I can't find anything named Order in the system. Not in the program files, not in the system files, not in any of the applications or commands. It's completely evading my search. Not even the diagnostic program is helping any, not that I'd expect it to at this point.

Frye-(offscreen) If the diagnostic program isn't helping you, why don't you make it so that it does, Mr. Fixy Boy?

Timo-I can do that, can't I? But first, I have to figure out what the heck is wrong with it.

(He starts typing on his keyboard.)

Timo-Hey, diagnostic program, what the heck is wrong with you?

(A message appears on his computer screen: "We are just fine, thank you.")

Timo-"We are just fine, thank you."

Frye-Is it...programmed to respond in the first person?

Timo-It hasn't before. It's just been referring to everything in the passive voice. Like, "The problem could not be diagnosed." It's never said "we."

Frye-What do you think is going on?

Timo-It could just be a special piece of text that only pops up when you ask the diagnostic program to diagnose itself, like an easter egg. That or this diagnostic program has been sentient this whole time and only been pretending to be a regular diagnostic program that refers to everything in the passive voice and is just now choosing to show its true colors, and that can't possibly be true, right?

(FRYE looks confused.)

Timo-You're right. That's ridiculous.

(Another message appears on the screen: "Just like your request for us to diagnose ourselves was ridiculous.")

Timo-Wait a minute. I think it actually is sentient...

(He looks up at FRYE.)

Timo-And listening in on our conversation.

(Opening theme. Cut to the elevator. ACHT has three color chips: one yellow and two green.)

Acht-We've got Main Range, Lucky Chain Window, and Armor Drop. All of these are hard levels, so there's no easy way out.

Monii-Alright, I guess we'll have to bite the bullet one way or another.

(Xe takes the yellow chip.)

Monii-Give me Main Range.

(PEARL activates the Palette, and MONII puts the chip in. The elevator doors open, and they step onto the twenty-seventh floor.)

Acht-Escort the turbine tower!

(They get on the cage, and it carries them to the floor.)

Monii-Remember, we've got one life left, so we can't mess this up.

Bridgett-Hey, no need to remind me.

(They land by the tower at the front of the floor. They start pushing it forward.)

Monii-Hey, isn't this the same layout as that horrendous infinity ball floor? This is going to be a wreck.

(They see Jelletons coming from the two gushers in the back.)

Monii-They see us! Go faster!

(Xe keeps pushing the tower while BRIDGETT clears out the Jelletons.)

Pearl-Here, lemme help you out.

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