Episode Twenty-Five: Splatana Stamper

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(Start in the locker room at SquidForce Tower. BRIDGETT and HIRO are looking into BRIDGETT's locker.)

Hiro-The only thing you have in your locker is a pair of shoes?

(Shot of the inside of the locker. The only things inside are a pair of red sneakers on a shelf and a magazine on the bottom. There's also a Japanese-style drawing on the back wall and a map and some posters on the door.)

Bridgett-And a magazine.

Hiro-Where do you keep your weapons?

Bridgett-Behind the front desk. One of the perks of sharing DNA with the clerk.

Zaki-(offscreen) Bridgett, are you gonna come get your Splatana Stamper or not?


Hiro-You got a Splatana Stamper?


Hiro-I thought you hated the Splatana Wiper. What makes this one any different?

Bridgett-This one has the word "stamper" in it.

Hiro-And it's bigger and heavier.

Bridgett-Sounds like fun.

Hiro-And it's got Zipcaster.


(Cut to Hagglefish Market. FRYE and BIG MAN are commentating.)

Frye-We're out here at Hagglefish Market for another splatastic Turf War!

Big Man-Team colors green and magenta are.

(BRIDGETT, HIRO, and INKURA are green. BRIDGETT and HIRO both have Splatana Stampers. SHUMI and SPIDER are magenta.)

Bridgett-One good thing about this weapon is uh...

Hiro-It's okay. Take your time.

(BRIDGETT sneers.)


Frye/Big Man-Go!

(Opening theme. The players launch onto the arena. BRIDGETT swings her splatana at some boxes, sending them flying.)

Bridgett-Goodbye, boxes.

(She swings her splatana around while standing in place. Then she sends a charged slash to the right.)

Kid with a Range Blaster Right There-Dude! I'm on your team!

Bridgett-Sorry. Didn't see ya there.

(She begins walking down the ramp to the right. Then she jumps down onto the ledge below, still swinging to the right. Her special finishes charging.)

Frye-Do you think she's gonna use her Zipcaster as an ink refill again?

Big Man-(booth) You that live down her never will let, you will?

(BRIDGETT reloads. She attempts to send a charged slash to the right, but she gets blocked by a tent in front of her.)


(FRYE and BIG MAN begin laughing. BRIDGETT walks to the center.)

Bridgett-Let's try this again.

(She walks toward the middle. A magenta Booyah Bomb lands next to her, splatting her. FRYE and BIG MAN begin laughing even louder. BRIDGETT respawns.)

Frye-(booth) How did you not see that? It's a giant thing flying through the sky!

(BRIDGETT super-jumps to the left just shy of the center. She sends a charged slash, sending her forward into the center. She walks to the right, sending even more charged slashes.)

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