Episode Eleven: Clam Blitz!

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(Start in the lobby of SquidForce Tower. SPIDER, INKURA, and BRIDGETT are standing at the battle pot. HIRO and SHUMI sit on the floor.)

Spider-Clam Blitz?

Hiro-Yeah, the "throwing clams into a basket" kind.

Spider-I didn't think that was played with ink.

Hiro-It is in Splatsville! Here, we've decided that any sport is more fun if you can shoot ink while doing it.

Spider-If you say so.

(He scans his Splashtag and selects Anarchy Battle Series. INKURA does the same.)

Bridgett-Uh, what's Clam Blitz?

Hiro-I guess it's not that big in Inkadia. What you gotta do is pick up a bunch of clams and throw 'em in the enemy's basket!

Bridgett-Sounds easy enough. Sign me up, Chief!

Zaki-Just scan your Splashtag, and I'll put you in.

(BRIDGETT scans her Splashtag and selects Anarchy Battle Series.)

Hiro-Just be warned that this is the hardest Anarchy Mode.

Bridgett-Huh? How so?

Hiro-Well, there are four people trying to stop you...

Shumi-Getting a Power Clam in the basket is IMPOSSIBLE...

Hiro-And people in solo queue don't really understand what "teamwork" is, so be warned. You've got an Inkbrush, right?

Bridgett-Yeah. Why do you ask?

(Opening theme. Cut to MakoMart. SHIVER and FRYE are commentating.)

Shiver-The first Clam Blitz battle of the day is happening at MakoMart.

Frye-Team colors are yellow and purple.

(BRIDGETT, HIRO, and SHUMI are yellow. BRIDGETT has her Inkbrush. SPIDER and INKURA are purple.)

Shiver-Any thoughts, Frye?

Frye-(booth) My thought is I need to go to the bathroom.

Shiver-(booth) Well, don't let me stop you!

(FRYE runs off. SHIVER sighs. Cut to the battlefield.)


(The players launch onto the arena. BRIDGETT runs forward, brushing as she goes.)

Shiver-I have no one to bounce off of, but I think I can make this work.

(BRIDGETT turns left and finds two clams.)

Shiver-The Inkbrush's speed is optimized for Clam Blitz.

(BRIDGETT picks up the clams. She turns a corner and picks up two more.)

Shiver-Now you can pick up clams 94% faster than the rest of your competition. If you can't win with the Inkbrush, you're not winning with anything.

(BRIDGETT runs up the ramp to the center and picks up two clams.)

Shiver-See there? Bridgett already has six clams! Two more, and she'll have a Power Clam!

(BRIDGETT turns around and reloads.)

Shiver-(booth) I know the usual number is ten, but after the lawsuit, we had to reduce the number to eight.

(BRIDGETT runs down the alley to the left. She picks up a clam in a corner and finds three in a purple puddle. She picks up two of them. They form a Power Clam.)

Shiver-And just like that, Bridgett has a Power Clam! Now she'll be able to break open the enemy's basket!

(BRIDGETT runs towards the enemy's basket. A purple sniper keeps firing at her. She stops to throw the Power Clam and gets splatted.)

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