Episode Twenty-Seven: The Obscurest Chiaroscurist

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(Start in Hotlantis. HARMONY and SHIVER are standing on either side of the cash register. HARMONY is staring into the distance.)

Harmony-It's all so clear to me now. How did I not see it before? This store is my home, retail my true calling.

Shiver-Um, are you okay?

Harmony-I know what I must do: I need to quit the Chirpy Chips and ask Barry for a full-time job.

Shiver-Are you sure? That seems like kind of a downgrade to me.

Harmony-Weren't you going to leave your record label?

Shiver-Yeah, to create my own, but Frye and Big Man backed down, so I guess I'm stuck here.

Harmony-Did you not like it there?

Shiver-Well, no, but I'm not just going to leave my friends.

Harmony-I see. I feel bad leaving my bandmates, but they'll understand.

(She goes silent, her eyes still caught in a thousand-yard stare.)


(She waves her hand over HARMONY's face.)

Shiver-Hello? Aren't you supposed to be checking out my stuff?

(HARMONY snaps out of it.)

Harmony-Oh! Of course.

(She begins scanning the items on the counter. Opening theme. Cut to Inkblot Art Academy. FRYE and BIG MAN are commentating.)

Frye-We're here at Inkblot Art Academy for another Rainmaker match!

Big Man-Team colors orange and blue are.

(BRIDGETT and HIRO are blue. BRIDGETT has a Splat Roller. SHUMI, INKURA, and SPIDER are orange.)

Big Man-(booth) It a battle isn't called?

Frye-(booth) Whoops. Sorry. I messed up.

Big Man-Ready...

Frye/Big Man-Go!

(The players launch onto the arena. BRIDGETT flings her roller forward and swims through the ink.)

Frye-Both teams are headed for the Rainmaker. Who will make it there first?

(BRIDGETT throws a curling bomb at the Rainmaker.)

Frye-Ooh, a curling bomb. Clever!

(The orange team breaks the Rainmaker shield.)

Big Man-Orange the shield breaks.

(BRIDGETT throws another curling bomb. She reloads while she waits for it to explode. The path is immediately covered by orange ink. She throws another curling bomb. INKURA rides in on her Reefslider, splatting two blue girls with Dualie Squelchers.)

Frye-No one's making a move for the Rainmaker.

(INKURA grabs the Rainmaker.)

Frye-Just kidding. Inkura has it, and she's...(booth) carrying it the wrong way?

Big Man-(booth) She strategy of some sort must have.

(BRIDGETT rolls into the center. She gets splatted by an incoming Booyah Bomb. INKURA runs to the checkpoint with the Rainmaker and jams it in. BRIDGETT respawns.)

Frye-Orange is at the checkpoint.

Bridgett-Wait, what?

(She super jumps behind the checkpoint. She hides from the incoming Rainmaker shots. She gets splatted by INKURA's fizzy bomb.)

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