Imagine Inkopolis Episode Seven: This Is the Main.

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(Start in the breakfast nook of PEARL and MARINA's apartment. SHIVER sits at one chair with her feet up on the table, pushing back so that her chair is tilted back. She smiles with her closed fan pressed against her lips. FRYE is at the other side with her head in her hands and her wide eyes staring at the floor.)

Shiver-Are you okay?

Frye-No, I'm not okay! How do you expect me to be okay when the words "I have a crush on Big Man" just came out of your mouth?!

Shiver-I don't know how to explain it. It's just...remember when we performed at Scorch Gorge Limits a few months ago?


Shiver-It was when Big Man and I were performing "Breathing Underwater." It was his idea to wrap his fin around me while we were singing, but I was the one whose head was in the clouds while in his embrace, who felt like nothing could drag me down. For the rest of the evening, I thought it was because it reminded me of the way Kenny used to hold me, but I couldn't sleep that night, and when I went to splash some water on my face, I wasn't Kenny I was thinking about in that moment. It was Big Man.

Frye-This is just insane. First of all, what? Second of all, do you think he likes you back? You'd make an adorable couple. Third of all, WHAT?

Shiver-I need your help confessing to him.


Shiver-You said you'd do whatever it takes to make me right in the head, and this is it. I've been trying to tell him, but he never seems to understand. I wrote him some love letters with a fake return address, but he didn't recognize my handwriting.

Frye-That was you?

Shiver-And that song "Blue Manta," I wrote it about Big Man and wanted to sing it myself, but it went to the Water Girls instead. I just need to tell it to him straight, and if anyone's going to help me gather the courage, it's you.

(FRYE rests her hands on the table.)

Frye-Here's the thing: I've confessed to a lot of crushes and gotten rejected a lot of times. Chances are Big Man doesn't like you in that way. Your friendship is just too important to him.

Shiver-I don't care if he likes me back. I just want him to know.

Frye-Good because I am going to help you confess to Big Man, and we are going to start right--

(BIG MAN enters with the groceries.)

Big Man-Hi, guys! I the groceries with am back!

(Both girls stare up at him. SHIVER puts the tip of her fan over her cheek.)


(Opening theme. Cut to Museum d'Alfonsino. CALLIE and MARIE are commentating.)

Callie-It's time for another spicy Rainmaker battle at Museum d'Alfonsino!

Marie-Team colors are orange and purple.

(BRIDGETT and MONII are orange. BRIDGETT has the Custom Jet Squelcher. MONII has the Neo Splash-O-Matic.)

Bridgett-I've been waiting a long time to use this weapon. The Custom...Jet Squelcher.

Monii-Are you alright?

Bridgett-I almost said Custom Dualie Squelchers.



(The players launch onto the arena. BRIDGETT starts by firing straight forward. She reaches the rotating wall. She inks it up and swims on top.)

Marie-This is a brand-new Jet Squelcher. Now, you don't have to deal with Angle Shooter. You can use Toxic Mist.

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