Episode Fourteen: Rainmaker Checkpoints?

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(Start in the living room at BIAN's house. BRIDGETT and BIAN are on the couch together when SPIDER comes storming out of his room holding his suitcase.)

Bian-What's going on?

Bridgett-You mean you didn't hear his "friendly discussion" with Dr. Etsu last night?

(BIAN sighs.)

Bian-Honestly, all of their "friendly discussions" are blending together.

Spider-Don't try to stop me. He and I just don't get along!

Bridgett-Well, at least you're not accusing him of poisoning you again.

Bian-Spider, look. I know you two haven't seen eye to eye, but he needs someone to be there for him.

Spider-Yeah, and you're gonna be those people, not me!

(BIAN whispers into BRIDGETT's ear.)

Bridgett-I dunno. (to SPIDER) Is there an Inkish word for gam'cheongdeul?

(SPIDER gives her a bewildered look.)

Bian-I'll translate.

(He stands up.)

Bian-Gam'cheongdeul sort of implies a lack of sympathy. You don't understand what Father is going through.

Spider-And I don't need to. He's crazy!

Bian-Spider, that is the wrong thing to say, and you know it.

Spider-I don't need you telling me what to do. I'm going to Hiro's.

Bian-Oh, sure. Pick the rich kid over us.

(SPIDER starts marching toward the door. INKURA emerges with her suitcase.)

Bian-Inkura, not you too!

Bridgett-I thought you liked Dr. Etsu.

Inkura-I do. It's just that Spider needs someone. He isn't the same as he was when we first met. If he's not careful, he's going to hurt someone else. Or himself.

Bian-Well, he already has hurt someone else.

Spider-Look, you want to save his feelings? Don't tell him it's his fault.

Bian-I'm sure he knows.

(INKURA puts her arm around SPIDER's shoulder and begins leading him out the door.)

Inkura-We're leaving, we're leaving. I just got off the phone with Hiro. He says today's Rainmaker day.

Spider-Oh no.

(Opening theme. Cut to Museum D'Alfonsino. SHIVER and FRYE are commentating.)

Shiver-The next Rainmaker battle is happening on Museum D'Alfonsino.

Frye-Team colors are pink and green.

(BRIDGETT, SPIDER, and HIRO are green. BRIDGETT has a Clash Blaster. SHUMI and INKURA are pink.)

Spider-Fancy meeting you here.


Hiro-Did something happen?

(SPIDER and BRIDGETT sneer at him.)




(The players launch onto the arena. BRIDGETT fires straight down the middle.)

Shiver-And they're off! Who will make it to the Rainmaker first?

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