Episode Seventeen: Zipcaster!

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(Start in the Tableturf Battle Dojo. MONII and INKURA are sitting together playing Tableturf.)

Monii-The problem was Kara's arms were too weak to control where that Wave Breaker was going, so it just went BAM! Straight onto Shumi's head.

Inkura-And that's how she got that concussion.

(MONII nods.)

Monii-The six of us didn't know each other, but we still waited in the lobby for her and Hiro to come back from the infirmary.

(She plays a card.)

Monii-And now we get together on Thursdays to play Tableturf.

Inkura-Wait, this is a regular thing? Do you mind if I join you?

Monii-Only if you're ready for Neru to make fun of your every move.

(She starts laughing so hard that she starts wheezing. She takes her inhaler out of her pocket and takes a puff of it.)

Monii-Honestly, I don't know what Hiro sees in her.

Inkura-You...use an inhaler?

Monii-Yeah. I was stung by a Mantar when I was 10. My lungs were temporarily paralyzed. Even now, I still have a little trouble breathing.

(She gives her inhaler a quick shake.)

Monii-But you know, I get by.

(She puts her inhaler away.)

Inkura-At least there's someone who is.

(She checks her phone. There's a text from SPIDER that says, "Are you coming or not?")

Monii-So are you going to play a card?

(Opening theme. Cut to Mahi-Mahi Resort. FRYE and BIG MAN are commentating.)

Frye-It's a beautiful sunny day, the perfect type of weather for a Turf War on Mahi-Mahi Resort.

Big Man-Team colors yellow and purple are.

(BRIDGETT and SPIDER are yellow. BRIDGETT has a Carbon Roller. HIRO, INKURA, and SHUMI are purple. HIRO has the Splattershot Pro.)

Frye-It looks like there's one Zipcaster on each team.

Big Man-Ooh! That special a lot of fun looks like. You instantly the arena across can zip.


Frye/Big Man-Go!

(The players launch onto the arena. BRIDGETT starts running around covering home base with both rolling and flicks.)

Bridgett-Alright, that looks pretty good.

(She swims toward the center and jumps in with a vertical flick. She starts covering up the right side. HIRO throws an Angle Shooter at her but misses.)

Frye-Hiro nearly snipes Bridgett with an Angle Shooter or as some kids like to call it, the Mark Applier.

(BRIDGETT flings a couple times at HIRO but decides to run away.)

Big Man-Why it that is called?

Frye-(booth) BECAAAAAAAAAUSE...it applies marks.

(BRIDGETT starts running back to home base.)

Bridgett-Tactical retreat! Tactical retreat!

Frye-Wow. Is she really hermit-crabbing out because of one Angle Shooter?

(BRIDGETT covers a few corners on home base. She swims back to center. A suction bomb lands in front of her. She waits for it to blow up before covering the splatter. A purple kid with an Octobrush throws a second suction bomb behind her. She accidentally splats him by flicking.)

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